The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Brwose Headings Section I: on Knowledge (Maarif) Section II: on Interactions (Muamalat) Section IV: on Abodes (Manazil)
Introductions Section V: on Controversies (Munazalat) Section III: on States (Ahwal) Section VI: on Stations (Maqamat of the Pole)
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four

The Meccan Revelations - the 3rd Bulaq Edition

On knowing the abode of consideration and its secrets, from the Mohammedan station.
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Page 608 - from Volume Two (Display Image) - Meccan Revelations - Page  - from Volume

He adds it to the power with which creation occurs, and the divine books of this are charged and contained in this house. The correct thing is that if the existents are, as mentioned, they have fixed objects if they are characterized by non-existence, which is the possible and not the impossible. This eye is called existent and it is not remotely possible for him to return it to what is from it, and it is the state of non-existence, so the truth is described as non-existent, and it is described as non-existent, and it is not subjected to knowledge in what capacity this happened. That is up to the power and the will, and the two opponents submit to us that, so if you understand what we want, then the truth is all by will, and it is the first and the most direct, until you are free from conflict in the type of news from that, so that no conflict is imagined in it from all sects and from this door God removed their light from their sight, but it is not necessary for him to go About their eyes that were afflicted with nothingness if not. What is understood from it is that God destroyed the light from their sight and left them in darkness that they did not see One of the sciences of this house is the existence of knowledge about the look, the hit and the throw, and how these matters take the place of the words of the scholar to the learner, and our taste in this art is the taste of the look.

[ Looking at the light of the sun includes all the visible things, despite their abundance and beyond ]

So know that just as looking with the light of the sun includes all visible things despite their abundance and after them in a non-prolonged time. Rather, the eye of the time of the glimpse is the time when the light is spread over the visible things, the eye of the time when the sight perceives it, the eye of time, the knowledge is attached to what the sight perceives without a temporal arrangement or extension, even if the arrangement is reasonable like the order of the cause. And the effect with their coherence in existence. Likewise, the moment, the blow, or the throw includes the sciences in which God has deposited. If it falls from the hitter, the shooter, or the observer, he realizes from knowledge all that is in the power of that strike, just as the moment gave by the light of the sun all the powers of that moment of visible things, not palaces. From stroke and other things, it includes endless sciences just as the sun shines on more than what the sight perceives. By bias, you perceive what you perceive in a time other than what you perceive in a time and without time and for this indication

By saying, may God s prayers and peace be upon him, that the truth struck him with his hand between his shoulders or on his back, and he found cold fingers between his breasts or in his chest, so he knew the knowledge of the first and the last.

Glory be to the teacher of whomever He willed, how He willed. There is no god but He, the All-Knowing, the All-Powerful. Likewise, from this chapter, when he threw dust in the faces of the enemies on the day of Hunayn, and it hit the people s eyes, and they were defeated, then look at what was contained in that throw and what was included in that blow. I saw it from myself, I looked at it, and I knew what it contained of sciences, and I was given a look, and I looked with it, and I learned by it whoever I looked at from all the sciences contained in that view, and this is the knowledge of tastes, and from here he knows the saying of the one who said he hears with what he sees with what he speaks, this is past, and the benefit of what is established It is for the one with what the group sends, for the divine grace of that group and the care of the truth for them, as He gave them a share in that good, not for the lack of ability to inform the one of that matter rather than the group, unless the facts of lineage, that is a real arrangement, not a situation, like the advance of the living over the world and the entry of the seeker under the protection of the world And the Qadir enters under the purview of the seeker, so the seeker does not do what belongs to the able, and the scholar does not do what belongs to the seeker, and the living does not do what belongs to the world, and the scholar does not do what belongs to the living, and the seeker does not do what belongs to the scholar, and the capable person does not do what belongs to the aspirant, and the scholar is appointed The eye of the living, the eye of the disciple, the eye of the capable, and the eye of life is the eye of knowledge, the eye of the will, the eye of power, and the eye of life is the eye of the living, the eye of the scholar, the eye of the disciple, the eye of the capable, and so is what remains. This is the existential flow in the existents. This is from the one doing what the group performs between existent and reasonable, for this house includes what we have mentioned, and from the sciences of this house is the knowledge of the transmutations of elements and generators to each other in a relation between the impossible and the impossible. To him, if that bonding ratio rises, nothing becomes permissible for anything, for it is repulsive to him in all respects.

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  This is the book of the Meccan Revelations, by the Greatest Master Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi

The pagination is in agreement with the Cairo edition (Dar al-Kutub al-Arabiya al-Kubra) - al-Maymaniya - known as the Standard Edition. Subtitles have been added within square brackets.


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Page 608 - from Volume Two (Quotes from the Page)

[Chapter: 560] - On a wise advice from the Law to benefit the seeker and the arriving, and this is the last of the chapters of this book. (Videos related to this Chapter)

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