The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Brwose Headings Section I: on Knowledge (Maarif) Section II: on Interactions (Muamalat) Section IV: on Abodes (Manazil)
Introductions Section V: on Controversies (Munazalat) Section III: on States (Ahwal) Section VI: on Stations (Maqamat of the Pole)
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four

The Meccan Revelations - the 3rd Bulaq Edition

On knowing the station of leaving saint.
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Page 176 - from Volume Two (Display Image) - Meccan Revelations - Page  - from Volume

Souls do that for the honor of knowledge, so they imagine that they are asking for it for God while they are asking for it for the world or for other than God, so they avoid the intention of that request, they do not avoid knowledge.

[ The entire universe is a suspicion, for you do not know of it except you .]

Here, consider whether that intention negates the merit of seeking knowledge, or does the pursuit of knowledge remain on its merits, which gives the reality of happiness in the Hereafter, and the punishment is based on mere intention in that, and it is what we rely on in the matter of achieving divine balance. The Merciful Image has led us to this saying and the like. Do not be shy about it or avoid it, for you do not know of it except you.

He said: He who knows himself knows his Lord

So piety in this suspicion is impossible, rather it should be dealt with insofar as it is a suspicion, so that is its place that solves it, for it is never sincere for one of the two parties, and this is a sea in which most of the intellects and the most knowledgeable perished except for those who had mercy on God and who boarded Noah s Ark. His salvation

is the avoidance of every deed and omission that does not belong to God over the prescribed limit. ]

And the collector of the door of piety is that you avoid outwardly, inwardly and all the work of your responsible members, every action and omission that does not belong to God according to the lawful limit in which the one who is loyal to him, who has no suspicion that harms him and does not slander him. If he is gifted, unacquired, unstable, but he is like a flash of lightning, so if lightning either disappears for its opposite, or if his likes continue, if his likes are repeated, his owner is a loser

[ Every station is either divine, divine, or merciful .]

And every station is either divine, divine or merciful, other than these three presences. It does not exist, and it pervades all of the presences, on which existence revolves, and through which books are descended, and to them ascend the ascents, and the ruler over them is three divine names: God, Lord, and Most Merciful. The three and his rule is according to the status of this condemned slave who affects him in terms of what he is a Muslim, believer or benefactor and his effects in the world of the slave s possession or in the world of his tyranny or in the world of his kingdom and his work in it either by virtue of the absolute, which is the self action, or by virtue of the restriction, which is the work of the attribute and his judgment with the work of the attribute Either in an honorable and plundering capacity, or as an act. This is the rule for the stations and their conditions, whether the traveler knows it or not, for not every universe is devoid of these provisions, but not everyone knows that.

[ The divine aspect in the station of piety ]

So I say that piety has a station and its station has a state and it is conditional as we mentioned and ends with the end of the assignment. As for the station of piety, it is the restriction with the attribute of disdain, because its reality is avoidance and it is only it and its owner is unknown and his condition is that he is the owner of a mark in himself or in the name of God always looks at him and looks at him in A scientist who possesses him in terms of what he is a Muslim, so he influences his actions, and whenever it appears on his limbs, he avoids everything that might harm the attainment of this position, and looks at him in the realm of his tyranny in terms of what he is a believer, and it affects him. Therefore, if the seeker dreams of a dream, his sheikh will punish him. Do you not see that no prophet ever had a dream, and he should not do that, nor do those who know God by taste, for the dream is from a dream in sleep or in visualization while awake, then it is from a natural remnant in his imagination, and it is a lie, for he thinks that it is in the apparent sense, and he may We said that piety avoids lying, so if he avoided it in the senses, it would have an effect on his imagination. If you see a pious person taking a bath from sleep, that is because of water that came out of him while he was asleep due to the weakness of the internal organs, and it is a disease that occurred in his mood, not from a vision at all, neither in the permissible nor in the forbidden. But if he looks at him in a world His kingdom, and its effect on him is to avoid strife In what he receives of divine discourses and divine manifestation, if all of that is in the wall, he does not cross what he saw and does not interpret what he was addressed with, for it is all divine and all divine is unknown, just as the devout are unknown because it is avoidance and abandonment, and the matter is not distinguished from outside except by action. He avoids that matter, and for his sake, he should avoid him, for he violated the position of piety, for his position is to be unknown, and he was known to be pious, so the ruling for his position has been removed from him.

[ The Divine and Rahmani aspect in the station of piety ]

And as for al-Rabbani and al-Rahmani, they are on this path, both take it and work on it, you see a wonder, so say that you find it in other than this book, for most people, or perhaps all of them, have not disclosed about these stations and conditions with what gives them the detail of existence, and if they knew them, they relied on that on the fact that if the traveler entered and was truthful in his orientation. I showed him things as they are, so he knows his condition

( Chapter ninety-two on knowing the place of abandoning piety )

Human intercession calls for piety *** and the witr in it requires abandoning piety

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  This is the book of the Meccan Revelations, by the Greatest Master Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi

The pagination is in agreement with the Cairo edition (Dar al-Kutub al-Arabiya al-Kubra) - al-Maymaniya - known as the Standard Edition. Subtitles have been added within square brackets.


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Page 176 - from Volume Two (Quotes from the Page)

[Chapter: 560] - On a wise advice from the Law to benefit the seeker and the arriving, and this is the last of the chapters of this book. (Videos related to this Chapter)

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