The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Brwose Headings Section I: on Knowledge (Maarif) Section II: on Interactions (Muamalat) Section IV: on Abodes (Manazil)
Introductions Section V: on Controversies (Munazalat) Section III: on States (Ahwal) Section VI: on Stations (Maqamat of the Pole)
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four

The Meccan Revelations - the 3rd Bulaq Edition

On the description of the person to whom the meaning of the seal of prophecy moved and its secret (/sign) is like the button of hadjlh??? in meaning, and his abode ﴾do not think that those who exult in what they have brought about, and love to be praised for what they have not done, thus do not think they escape the penalty; for them is a grievous penalty﴿, and they are in it.
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Page 193 - from Volume Four (Display Image) - Meccan Revelations - Page  - from Volume

The oppressor himself does not depart from his Lord until he returns to him, for he is one of the chosen. So the oppressor himself comes to the legitimate right for him in which the Messenger appeared in his life in his image. That is why he was called the Messenger of God in the definition. But the Messenger of God and the Seal of the Prophets, if the oppressor comes to the legitimate right that is in our hands today, then he embodied him in the Muhammadan image, then he knows that he is one of the companions of this remembrance, either in sleep or in wakefulness, how he was, and if he does not incarnate to him, what is that man. Is this the unjust himself or does not seek forgiveness from God? If he asks God s forgiveness and does not see the image of the Messenger asking forgiveness for him, then he is compassionate and merciful to the believers, so he knows at that that he did not ask God s forgiveness. I wronged myself, and I came to his grave, may God s prayers and peace be upon him, and I saw the matter as I mentioned, and God fulfilled my need, and I left. At his grave was acceptance, and I departed, and that was in the year six hundred and one. I told you how the unjust comes himself, and God speaks the truth and He guides the way.

The fifty-third chapter, five hundred in the knowledge of the condition of Qutb, whose house was his home, and God surrounded them behind them.

Encompassing the Most Merciful is defining *** with the backward and deciding an abstraction in it

Whoever is stripped from the shoulders of his upbringing *** does not make judgments in his mind that God defines

God is more honorable to destroy him with what *** he will return to the glory of God praise

His perfection is from the faces of the entire universe *** glorification of praise, rejoicing and glorification

[ The truth is the essence of existence ]

God Almighty said, and there is not a thing but glorifies Him with His praise, when the truth is the essence of existence, so it is characterized by encompassing the world. The memorization of this mentioned occurs, so God preserved him by himself and did not give him a reason to protect him by himself, so the origin of man took place between his imam and the imam of truth. Behind them surrounded them, man would take from behind him, so he believed in what he was warning of, and relied on his memorization by what he witnessed from his imam, so he obtained safety from his imam by absence and testimony, and he obtained safety from behind him in faith. As for the general briefing, it is the total taking, which is his saying, God surrounds the unbelievers without restriction to a specific point. What has been mentioned, so if God takes the one who took from his guardians, he does not take him except from behind him lest he surprise him, then he takes him gently so that he does not feel. It means what is on it of names and epithets in a preserved tablet, and it is you as a sign and consideration, or you are not from you in one direction, and if the sides are in you and what is then other than you, then the backwardness of this strike was annihilated, and it was not plucked with a face, because it is your eye, and what remains in existence is only one eye and it is you, so be aware of what we have indicated in This strike, and God speaks the truth and He guides the way.

Chapter Fifty-Four, Five Hundred, Knowing the Condition of Qutb, His House, Do Not Think Those Who Rejoice in What They Came and Love to Be Praised for What They Didn t Do.

Do not think of men who rejoice in what they have come, and they have no feet in what they have come

And they rejoice in the praise of creation in it, and they have no action except loss and nothingness

And that is Hajir, the seal of the saints, and whoever has such a description will be lost

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  This is the book of the Meccan Revelations, by the Greatest Master Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi

The pagination is in agreement with the Cairo edition (Dar al-Kutub al-Arabiya al-Kubra) - al-Maymaniya - known as the Standard Edition. Subtitles have been added within square brackets.


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Page 193 - from Volume Four (Quotes from the Page)

[Chapter: 560] - On a wise advice from the Law to benefit the seeker and the arriving, and this is the last of the chapters of this book. (Videos related to this Chapter)

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