The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Brwose Headings Section I: on Knowledge (Maarif) Section II: on Interactions (Muamalat) Section IV: on Abodes (Manazil)
Introductions Section V: on Controversies (Munazalat) Section III: on States (Ahwal) Section VI: on Stations (Maqamat of the Pole)
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four

The Meccan Revelations - the 3rd Bulaq Edition

On knowing the station of leaving freedom and its secrets.
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It is said that this is a throne and this is intellect and this is a pen and a tablet and a chair and an astronomy and a king and fire and air and water and earth and metal and plants and animals and human beings between races and species. What they are from the facts in themselves, as evidenced by the effects of the names in existence on the divine names, and what is named is an eye upon which perception falls.

[ Freedom at the level of the private and in the language of the particular ]

We do not have a station in absolute freedom unless our scene is what we mentioned, so do not talk to yourself otherwise. And whoever does not witness this station, he never knows the meaning of his saying, for God is needless of the worlds, that is, he is needless to indicate him, because if he created the world to indicate him, he would not be true to him. So know the knowledge of setting up the world as evidence and for those who indicate it, and it is clearer and clearer than to be inferred to it by anything other than the Almighty, because if the case were like that, the evidence would have some authority and pride over the signified, and if the signified set it as evidence, this evidence would not deviate from the rank of pride in that it had benefited the signifier with something that was not It is possible for the signified to reach him except through him, so he is the invalidity of the rich and freedom, and they are firm for God Almighty.

[ Freedom at the level of the public and in the public tongue ]

As for the tongue of the common people, freedom is for the people. He who is not enslaved by being but God is free from anything but God. Freedom is an actual worship of God. He is not the slave of someone other than God, who created him to worship him. He fulfilled what he created for him, so it was said in him: Yes, the servant is obedient, meaning a return to the worship for which he was created because he was created in need. To everything in existence, there is nothing in existence except that he calls him with the tongue of the poverty of this servant, I am the one who is in need of me, so return to me. What he needs in this reason, he sees him in the divine name, so he lacked only God from his name, and he lacked only himself from the effect of his preparation, so he knew what poverty is and who is poor and who is poor, so this is the command, peace and blessings of God be upon him, to say, Lord, increase me in knowledge, for I have alerted you to what is in it is sufficient in Freedom and its secrets, which you will not find in other than this book from the works of others

( Chapter One Hundred and Forty in the Station of Leaving Freedom )

Whoever is never separated from his needs *** How is liberation and needs demand him?

He is the poor in all things *** Poverty is his doctrine and poverty is his gain

That is why they are called the entities of the entity for us *** until you specify in the operative his doctrine

There is no freedom in the universe where it demands us *** in every way and from it we ask for it

[ He who is subject to rights, how can he have freedom ]

Know, may God grant you success, that leaving freedom is pure and pure worship. To him, how is the condition of the one whose vehicle is starving, naked, thirsty, and sacrifices while he is commanded to preserve it and look into his affairs and what is good for him? Your self has a right over you, your eye has a right over you, and your visitor has a right over you

Every universe has a right on it *** then it is slaves to that right

And it is not free, so be knowledgeable *** in it, an expert as one who has verified it

And do not be like the one who refuses *** from the command of his master, when you are created

God is Lord and you are His servant *** so be Him, then the universe is ahead

I said that while my hearing was *** and my words were when I was speaking

And whoever is like what we have mentioned *** then that is the successful world

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  This is the book of the Meccan Revelations, by the Greatest Master Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi

The pagination is in agreement with the Cairo edition (Dar al-Kutub al-Arabiya al-Kubra) - al-Maymaniya - known as the Standard Edition. Subtitles have been added within square brackets.


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Page 227 - from Volume Two (Quotes from the Page)

[Chapter: 560] - On a wise advice from the Law to benefit the seeker and the arriving, and this is the last of the chapters of this book. (Videos related to this Chapter)

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