The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

The Meccan Revelations Volume (29)

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The Meccan Revelations Volume (29)


volume 29 of the Meccan Revelations by the Greatest Master Muhyiedin Ibn Arabi, translation and commentary by Mohamed Haj Yousef

(work on this volume has not started yet.)




CHAPTER CONTENTS of Volume Twenty Nine

411 Chapter Four Hundred and Eleven: On the juxtaposition of “‘but the book outpaced him so he enters the Fire’, from the presence of ‘he almost entered the Fire’, thus fear the book and do not fear Me because I am with you alike”.
412 Chapter Four Hundred and Twelve: On the juxtaposition of “who is for Me will not be humiliated and is never disgraced”.
413 Chapter Four Hundred and Thirteen: On the juxtaposition of “who asked Me did not come out of My judiciary and who did not ask Me did not come out of my judiciary”.
414 Chapter Four Hundred and Fourteen: On knowing the juxtaposition of “We are not seen but only with a veil”.
415 Chapter Four Hundred and Fifteen: On knowing the juxtaposition of “who called Me he fulfilled the right of his servitude, and who justifies himself he justifies Me”.
416 Chapter Four Hundred and Sixteen: On knowing the juxtaposition of the entity of the heart.
417 Chapter Four Hundred and Seventeen: On the juxtaposition of whose reward is on Allah.
418 Chapter Four Hundred and Eighteen: On the juxtaposition of “who does not comprehend, nothing may be conducted to him”.
419 Chapter Four Hundred and Nineteen: On knowing the juxtaposition of contracts.
420 Chapter Completing Four Hundred and Twenty: On knowing the juxtaposition of disposing the domiciles.
421 Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty One: On knowing the juxtaposition of “who requested to reach Me by way of evidence and proof he shall never reach Me, because nothing is like Me”.
422 Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Two: On knowing the juxtaposition of “who returns My act on Me he gives Me My right”.
423 Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Three: On knowing the juxtaposition of “who is jealous on Me he did not commemorate Me”.
424 Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Four: On knowing the juxtaposition of “I like you to stay with Me and you love to go back to your family, thus wait until I am satisfied with you then you may pass away from Me”.
425 Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Five: On knowing the juxtaposition of “who seeks science I lay his eyesight away from Me”.
426 Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Six: On knowing the juxtaposition of the secret from which peace be upon him said when questioned about seeing his Lord, thus he said: “light how may I see Him”.
427 Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Seven: On knowing the juxtaposition of two-bow close.
428 Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Eight: On knowing the juxtaposition of the questioning about the two instants???.
429 Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Nine: On knowing the juxtaposition of “who diminishes for My Majesty I descended to him, and who magnifies over Me I magnify over him”.
430 Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty: On knowing the juxtaposition of “it is your perplexity which made you reach Me”.
431 Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty One: On knowing the juxtaposition of “whom I veiled, I veiled him”.
432 Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Two: On knowing the juxtaposition of “I did not wear anything other than you, thus know your prestige; and that is the most amazing thing who does not know himself”.
433 Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Three: On knowing the juxtaposition of “look out what manifestation which exterminates you and never ask it from Me, otherwise I give it to you but I never find anyone to take it”.
434 Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Four: On knowing the juxtaposition of “if I want, you will not be veiled, but I did not want yet, thus be firm”.
435 Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Five: On knowing the juxtaposition of “I had taken a covenant on myself but sometimes I fulfilled and sometimes I did not fulfil, thus do not object”.
436 Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Six: On knowing the juxtaposition of “if you (/your value) was for people as you are for Me, they would never worship Me”.
437 Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Six: On knowing the juxtaposition of “who knows his share of My Law he knows his share of Me, because you are for Me the same as I am for you”.
438 Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Six Eight: On knowing the juxtaposition of “who reads My Words he sees My cloud wherein the lamps of My angels descend down over him and in him, then, when he goes silent, they go and I descend”.
439 Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Six Nine: On knowing the juxtaposition of the second two-bow close.
440 Chapter Four Hundred and Forty: On knowing the juxtaposition of “his support is intensified whom his heart becomes stronger in witnessing Me”.
441 Chapter Four Hundred and Forty One: On knowing the juxtaposition of “the eyes of the hearts of the knowing are looking for what I have, not for Me”.
442 Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Two: On knowing the juxtaposition of “who sees Me and knew that he saw Me, he did not see Me”.
443 Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Three: On knowing the juxtaposition of the duty of the disclosure of knowledge.
444 Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Four: On knowing the juxtaposition of “whom I wrote to him the book of pure covenant, he shall not be miserable”.
445 Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Five: On knowing the juxtaposition of “did you know My guardians whom I cultivated with My ethics”.
446 Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Six: On knowing the juxtaposition of “in the construction the night's initiatives are the benefits of good things”.
447 Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Seven: On knowing the juxtaposition of “who enters the presence of cleansing he speaks on My behalf”.
448 Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Eight: On knowing the juxtaposition of “that who fades when something of what I have is disclosed to him, how he requests to see Me”.
449 Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Nine: On knowing the juxtaposition of “he is not My servant who enslaved My servant”.
450 Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty: On knowing the juxtaposition of “who is firm for My manifestations he is by Me not by himself, Sublime Myself; he is by himself not by Me; this is the truth and the first was a metaphor”.
451 Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty One: On knowing the juxtaposition of “in the exits lies the knowledge of scales”.
452 Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Two: On knowing the juxtaposition of “all My words are preachment to My servants if they are preached”.
453 Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Three: On knowing the juxtaposition of “My generosity is what I gave you of wealth, and the generosity-of-My-generosity is what I gave you of your forgiveness on your brother at his offense on you”.
454 Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Four: On knowing the juxtaposition of “no stranger may hold on with Us in Our Presence, because the priority in kindness is to the next kin”.
455 Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Five: On knowing the juxtaposition of “whom I come to him with My Exterior, he may never be happy, and whom I come to him with My Interior, he may never be miserable, and vice versa”.
456 Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Six: On knowing the juxtaposition of “who moves when he hears My words, he has heard”.
457 Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Seven: On knowing the juxtaposition of the abstract charging.
458 Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Eight: On knowing the juxtaposition of perceiving the Lights (of the Face of Allah).
459 Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Nine: On knowing the juxtaposition of ﴾and they are with Us amongst the chosen honourable﴿.
460 Chapter Four Hundred and Sixty: On knowing the juxtaposition of belief, submission, proficiency and the proficiency-of-proficiency.
461 Chapter Four Hundred and Sixty One: On knowing the juxtaposition of “whom I drop down over him the veil of My wing, he is amongst My withholds; no one may know him and he may know no one”.

End of The Fifth Section: On the Juxtapositions 



qn qv qp ab cn cv cp
411- فى معرفة منازلة فيسبق عليه الكتاب فيدخل النار من حضرة كاد لا يدخل النار فخافوا الكتاب ولا تخافونى فإنى وإياكم على السواء فى مثل هذ 8563 29 2 1 2039 4 15
412- فى معرفة منازلة من كان لى لم يُذل ولا يخزى أبد 8568 29 4 2 2040 4 16
413- فى معرفة منازلة من سألنى فما خرج من قضائى ومن لم يسألنى فما خرج من قضائى 8571 29 6 1 2041 4 17
وصل تنبيه ثم لتعلم أن اللّه تعالى قد أمرنا بالرضا قبل القضاء مطلق 8574 29 7 2 2042 4 18
414- فى معرفة منازلة ما ترى إلا بحجاب 8576 29 8 2 2042 4 18
415- فى معرفة منازلة من دعانى فقد أدّى حق عبوديته ومن أنصف نفسه فقد أنصفنى 8582 29 11 2 2044 4 20
416- فى معرفة منازلة عين القلب 8588 29 14 2 2045 4 21
417- فى معرفة منازلة مَنْ أجره على اللّه 8593 29 17 1 2047 4 23
[النوع الأول ممن أجره على الله من بلغ رسالته وهو الرسول] : فاعلم أن أجر التبليغ على قدر ما ناله فى البلاغ من المشقة 8595 29 18 1 2047 4 23
النوع الثانى ممن أجره على الله وهو المهاجر يموت قبل وصوله إلى المنزل الذى هاجر إليه 8597 29 19 1 2047 4 23
النوع الثالث ممن أجره على الله وهو من عفا عمن أساء إليه وأصلح 8599 29 20 1 2048 4 24
418- فى معرفة منازلة من لم يفهم لا يُوصل إليه شىء 8601 29 21 1 2048 4 24
419- فى معرفة منازلة الصكوك وهى المناشر والتوقيعات الإلهية 8606 29 23 2 2050 4 26
420- فى معرفة منازلة التخلص من المقامات 8616 29 28 2 2052 4 28
421- فى معرفة منازلة من طلب الوصول إلىّ بالدليل والبرهان لم يصل إلىّ أبدا فإنه لا يشبهنى شىء 8621 29 31 1 2053 4 29
422- فى معرفة منازلة من رد إلىّ فعلى فقد أعطانى حقى وأنصفنى مما لى عليه 8635 29 38 1 2057 4 33
423- فى معرفة منازلة من غار علىّ لم يذكرنى 8645 29 43 1 2059 4 35
424- فى معرفة منازلة أحبك للبقاء معى وتحب الرجوع إلى أهلك فقف حتى أتشفّى منك وحينئذ تمر عنى قال الله تعالى يحبهم ويحبونه فهو المحب المحبوب 8648 29 44 2 2060 4 36
425- فى معرفة منازلة من طلب العلم صرفت بصره عنى 8653 29 47 1 2061 4 37
426- فى معرفة منازلة السر الذى قال منه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم حين استفهم عن رؤية ربه فقيل له أرأيت ربك فى ليلة الإسراء فقال نور أنّى أراه 8656 29 48 2 2062 4 38
427- فى معرفة منازلة قاب قوسين 8660 29 50 2 2063 4 39
428- فى معرفة منازلة الاستفهام عن الإنيتين 8664 29 52 2 2064 4 40
429- فى معرفة منازلة من تصاغر لجلالى نزلت إليه ومن تعاظم علىّ تعاظمت عليه 8670 29 55 2 2066 4 42
430- فى معرفة منازلة إن حَيْرتك أوصلتك إلىّ 8673 29 57 1 2066 4 42
431- فى معرفة منازلة من حجبته حجبته 8675 29 58 1 2067 4 43
432- فى معرفة منازلة ما ارتديت بشىء إلا بك فاعرف قدرك وذا عجب شىء لا يعرف نفسه 8679 29 60 1 2068 4 44
433- فى معرفة منازلة انظر أىّ تجل يعدمك فلا تسألنيه فنعطيك فلا أجد من يأخذه 8682 29 61 2 2068 4 44
434- فى معرفة منازلة لا يحجبنك لو شئت فإنى لا أشاء بعد فاثبت 8683 29 62 1 2069 4 45
435- فى معرفة منازلة أخذت العهد على نفسى فوقتا وفيت ووقتا على يد عبدى لم أف وينسب عدم الوفاء إلى عبدى فلا تعترض فإنى هناك 8689 29 65 1 2070 4 46
436- فى معرفة منازلة لو كنت عند الناس كما أنت عندى ما عبدونى 8693 29 67 1 2071 4 47
437- فى معرفة منازلة مَنْ عرف حظه من شريعتى عرف حظه منى فإنك عندى كما أنا عندك مرتبة واحدة 8698 29 69 2 2073 4 49
438- فى معرفة منازلة من قرأ كلامى رأى غمامتى فيها سُرُج ملائكتى تنزل عليه وفيه فإذا سكت رفعت عنه ونزلت أن 8703 29 72 1 2074 4 50
439- فى معرفة منازلة قاب قوسين الثانى الحاصل بالوراثة النبوية للخواص من 8711 29 76 1 2075 4 51
440- فى معرفة منازلة اشتد ركن من قوى قلبه بمشاهدتى 8717 29 79 1 2077 4 53
441- فى معرفة منازلة عيون أفئدة العارفين ناظرة إلى ما عندى لا إلىّ 8722 29 81 2 2078 4 54
442- فى معرفة منازلة مَنْ رآنى وعرف أنه رآنى فما رآنى 8726 29 83 2 2079 4 55
443- فى معرفة منازلة واجب الكشوف العرفانى 8728 29 84 2 2079 4 55
444- فى معرفة منازلة من كُتب له كتاب العهد الخالص لا يشقى 8732 29 86 2 2080 4 56
445- فى معرفة منازلة هل عرفت أوليائى الذين أدّبتهم بآدابى 8739 29 90 1 2082 4 58
446- فى معرفة منازلة فى تعمير نواشئ الليل فوائد الخيرات 8748 29 94 2 2084 4 60
447- فى معرفة منازلة من دخل حضرة التطهير نطق عنى 8754 29 97 2 2086 4 62
448- فى معرفة منازلة من كشفت له شيئا مما عندى بُهِت فكيف يطلب أن يرانى هيهات 8758 29 99 2 2087 4 63
449- فى معرفة منازلة قول من قال عن الله ليس عبدى من تعبّد عبدى 8762 29 101 2 2087 4 63
450- فى معرفة منازلة مَنْ ثبت لظهورى كان بى لا به سبحانه كان به لا بى وهو الحقيقة والأول مجاز 8765 29 103 1 2088 4 64
451- فى معرفة منازلة فى المخارج معرفة المعارج 8769 29 105 1 2089 4 65
452- فى معرفة منازلة كلامى كله موعظة لعبيدى لو اتعظو 8774 29 107 2 2090 4 66
453- فى معرفة منازلة كرمى ما وهبتك من الأموال وكرم كرمى ما وهبتك من عفوك عن الجانى عليك 8781 29 111 1 2092 4 68
454- فى معرفة منازلة لا يقوى معنا فى حضرتنا غريب وإنما المعروف لأولى القربى 8783 29 112 1 2092 4 68
455- فى معرفة منازلة مَنْ أقبلت عليه بظاهرى لا يسعد أبدا ومن أقبلت عليه بباطنى لا يشقى أبدا وبالعكس 8788 29 114 2 2093 4 69
456- فى معرفة منازلة مَنْ تحرّك عند سماع كلامى فقد سمع يريد الوجد الذى يعطى الوجود 8790 29 115 2 2094 4 70
457- فى معرفة منازلة التكليف المطلق 8795 29 118 1 2095 4 71
458- فى معرفة منازلة إدراك السبحات الوجهية 8798 29 119 2 2096 4 72
459- فى معرفة منازلة (وإنهم عندنا لمن المصطفين الأخيار) 8801 29 121 1 2097 4 73
460- فى معرفة منازلة الإسلام والإيمان والإحسان الأول والثانى 8803 29 122 1 2097 4 73
461- فى معرفة منازلة من أسدلت عليه حجاب كنفى فهو من ضنائنى لا يعرِف ولا يُعرف 8805 29 123 1 2098 4 74


Please note that some contents are translated from Arabic Semi-Automatically!