The Meccan Revelations - the 3rd Bulaq Edition |
Chapter: | On knowing the secrets of Chastity. |
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Page 342 - from Volume One (Display Image)![]() The rule of the principle has taken place in the doctrine of those who say that he should wipe part of the head, so if he wears a turban for adornment, it is not permissible for him to wipe over it, unlike the sick person who tightens the turban over his head due to his illness. ( clarification ) [ Doing the reasons for the stripped of the reasons ]If an objection to the people of this method is presented to the people of this method, it is originally slandered, such as the act of reason for the one who is free from causes or strutting and leadership in war, for our words about wiping the head have humility and arrogance setting an example by it is more appropriate to bring the understanding of the listener to what he wants in this worship, for the effect of that vanity is to show arrogance in human servitude. Forgetting the pride of his Lord over him and His Glory, glory be to Him, and his withholding from that, he does not do that and casts pride from himself. It is inevitable and it is not permissible for him to be arrogant in that place because of his arrogance in the first place, even if it does not affect himself. The apparent meaning of the situation is based on the ruling of the place of residence, as it did not affect the original, so the ruling on wiping over the turban with us, so know that [ Subtracting the reason from the hand is some verbs of the hand ]I knew the ruling on wiping over a turban inwardly what it is, as well as wiping with a hand over a turban, which is that if it harms you for the reason for your dependence on God with your heart, do not take it or use it unless it leads to something greater than it in being far from God. Your hand, and there is no blame on you. If the cause of the hand is removed from the hand, some actions of the hand, because the totality of the hand in the meaning is many things, so it conducts many behaviors with different meanings in the legitimate matters and rulings, for it has the control, extension and moderation. The simplicity is a metaphor for the extravagance, as well as praising a people with such this. The existence of plurality is not correct, because one does not multiply ( Arrived at the time of wiping over the head ) [ Repetition of wiping the head is a virtue ]What remains from investigating this issue is the timing of wiping over the head. Is there a virtue in repeating it or not? Some people said that there is no virtue in it, and some of them said that there is a virtue in it. I mean repetition, and there is no disagreement about the obligation of one if it pervades the member [ There is no repetition in the world of the divine expanse ]As for our doctrine in principle, there is no repetition in the world of the divine expanse, so we forbid this expression and we do not prevent the existence of proverbs by formal similarity, so we know for sure that the movements resemble each other in form, even if each of them is not the same as the other. After the prayer, Glory be to God, thirty-three times like this. We do not prevent it. There may be multiple occurrences in performing ablution. Confirmation of removal. The rule of omission is quick. Judgment in man. So, in repetition there is a virtue. If you are certain of attendance, then there is no virtue. The addition is correct, but the correct view is that repetition is a virtue because it is a light according to what the Legislator has defined the rulings, and it was mentioned in the Qur an and the Sunnah in comparing the light of God to the lamp in the bottle in the niche, the verse with its completeness, and he said at the end of it, light upon light, meaning light upon light, as the two and three evidences for The one signifier and The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said in ablution upon ablution, light upon light There is no difference between the arrival of ablution on ablution and the arrival of the second room mentioned on the first in ablution, and the repetition of the work by the worker necessitates the repetition of reward and manifestation. ( Chapter of wiping the ears and renewing water for them ) [ The jurists differ in the ruling on wiping the ears ]People differed about wiping the ears and renewing the water for them. Some say that it is Sunnah, and some say that it is obligatory, and some say that water should be renewed for them, and some say that the water should not be renewed for them, and whether it is singled out by wiping alone, or wiping with the head in particular, or wiping with the face in particular, or wiping what comes before them with the face and what is managed. One of them is with the head, and each of these conditions has a saying ( According to their ruling on the subconscious ) [ Listen to the best saying: God is mentioned in the Qur an ]As for their ruling in the inner part, it is an independent member, and the water must be renewed for it, so it is wiped by listening to the best saying, and it is inevitable that the difference is in the best. |
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This is the book of the Meccan Revelations, by the Greatest Master Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi The pagination is in agreement with the Cairo edition (Dar al-Kutub al-Arabiya al-Kubra) - al-Maymaniya - known as the Standard Edition. Subtitles have been added within square brackets. |