The Meccan Revelations - the 3rd Bulaq Edition |
Chapter: | On knowing the abode of (the difference between) the Moon, the Crescent and the full-Moon, and it is from the Mohammedan presence. |
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Page 110 - from Volume Three (Display Image)![]() Another legislated for contingent abrogation, belief in its truth is a duty, and its copying is a duty, and knowledge of deviation from the truth and to the truth and what is related to that of slander and praise, and knowledge of the births that are mothers when they were placed in the world and the notable things did not appear without the children of mothers and fathers, and what mothers bear, including the righteousness of children and knowledge Determining the outward and inward blessings, and they did not go away with unbelief and increase with thanksgiving. The knowledge of the genesis of the jinn and humans without any other animal, the science of concealment and transfiguration, for which it was not possible to create more than this world because of its generality of all ranks, so there is nothing left in the possibility except for its likes, I do not increase it in the existential perfection that preserves the principles and the knowledge of the separations between The things and between each two in the intelligible and the tangible is like the line separating the shadow from the sun. Why do these separations return? Is there a matter in excess of the separated notables or not? The knowledge of the meanings contained in the letters of existence, the knowledge of the signs over what they are, the knowledge of annihilation and survival, and the knowledge of what the truth does from what appears at once. There is no other than the knowledge of adding what the mind is clear of, adding it from the truth to the truth, and the knowledge of the divine pavilion and the doors it contains and what opens those doors for those who want to get out of them, and why they leave and what they testify when they leave and what brings them out. Why is punishment and torment, and why is it called punishment and torment, and knowing what leads to the place of the supreme assembly? No, rather, the middle assembly, the knowledge of silence and silence about the world and what causes it, and the knowledge of signs. Does it take the place of speech and expression from the speaker or not, like miracles and pronunciation known from the presumptions of conditions, even if there is no phrase in the order of letters The articulation of words and the knowledge of the rulings that the signs give in things, the science of the frequency of things between things, the science of the consequences of stations and conditions, the science of the rule of pre-emption in the afterlife, the science of the causes that lead to judgment from cause to the cause, the science of tastes and thoughts, and the science of pleasure in what comes from the truth to man through his intercession, i.e. from Where the divine image intercedes, not in terms of what is similar to the world, and the knowledge of one who prevents by His transfiguration looking at others while being able to do so is not in a state of annihilation and knowledge of the station of secrets behind the veil of jealousy and divine protection and the science of analogy and representation and the science of reward with proverbs like gold with gold a comparison and it is in the rule of the world usury and the science of comparison He knew what the comparison takes place between proverbs, the knowledge of the difference between flashes, fenders, and nests in the trees and at night trips, and the knowledge of the override of the right to take possession of it and take possession of it in its openness, and the increase that occurs when The owner of these conditions, so this is some of what this house contains of the mothers of sciences whose children branch off by procreation to what ends with the spontaneous and God speaks the truth and He guides the way The thirty-three chapter on knowing the position of the moon from the crescent from the full moon from the presence of MuhammadiyahLook at Noah and return and consider *** in favor and then Lot and think And tell them the words of Shafiq, an advisor *** and call them, is there anyone among you who will remember? And there is no other existence in the universe *** and there is no stable existence He is His, not ours, and He is ours *** He has no face of a continuous universe Where are the pictures that appeared to us *** have gone and followed them from pictures If you went into the unseen, his eye would disappear *** and he was witness to the eye and the sight Or is it non-existent and what I see of non-existence *** the universe has a back And what appeared from nothing, but it is *** from the fact that an apparent truth is not easy [ The moon stands on an isthmus between the name of the crescent and the name of the full moon ]Know, may God help you, that the moon is located on an isthmus between the name of the crescent and the name of the full moon in the case of increasing and decreasing the light. Perceiving the eyes under the sun s rays that prevents them from being seen is called right, and it is from the face that follows the sun s full moon, as it is in the event that we have a full moon, it is from the face that does not In it the sun appears rightly, and what is between these two places, according to the extent of the light that appears in it, decreases from the other face, and according to the extent of what is hidden by it from one of the two sides, it appears with the light from the other face, and that is due to the distortion of the astronomical arc. |
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This is the book of the Meccan Revelations, by the Greatest Master Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi The pagination is in agreement with the Cairo edition (Dar al-Kutub al-Arabiya al-Kubra) - al-Maymaniya - known as the Standard Edition. Subtitles have been added within square brackets. |