The Meccan Revelations - the 3rd Bulaq Edition |
Chapter: | On knowing the abode of the loss of the caprice and the self, from the Mousawi station. |
Page 582 - from Volume Two (Display Image)In establishing the House over it, we have explained that to you so that you do not imagine that the truth is in one of the two views and with one of the two sects, so each sect is truthful, so I told you how that is, and so is all that appears to the people that they differ in it. From the people of sense in what they perceive with their senses, and know that entering this house from the second dinar of masculinity and ending in it to the fourth dinar, which is the completeness of manliness by which a person is called a man as we have presented in the order of faith, guardianship, prophecy and mission, and no fifth of it is the fifth of five, but it may have the fifth of four Know that, and if you pay attention to what the Almighty has separated, you will know its detail in its most beautiful statement, neither less than that, meaning two, nor more, meaning seven and above, from individuals. And there are not four but he is the fifth of them, so we knew from the lowest of that and more that he wants individuals to intercede for her with something that is not from them, so we verified that jealousy ruled here, and it did not prove to anyone individuality except that it intercedes with the identity of the truth so that the oneness is only for him, so his individuality does not intercede Luke and intercede is the singularity of the creatures, and that is why he said while he is with you, wherever you are. The intercession in the universes because the intercession has a reality, but it is related to the oddity if it is attributed to the universes and it is not worthy of it. To be other than Sunday, or to be someone other than a god He, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: There is no one, or as he said, more jealous than God His description of jealousy and its ruling in this place is strong, for we have mentioned a disavowal of what this house gives him on the shortness of time, and God speaks the truth and He guides the way. God Almighty says on the Day of Resurrection, today I will place your lineage and raise my lineage. Where are the righteous? And the science of simples, the necessary science, the science of symmetry, and praise be to God, Lord of the worlds. ( Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy-Three on Knowing the House of Destruction for Desire and Self from the Maqam al-Musawi )Creation's destruction is in the wind *** if it blows in the tablet And seek refuge without his master *** God of the body and soul A rugged, easy path *** with what was mentioned in Noah And in Lot in my soul *** according to what I said, Noah And if love were not a tool *** a glint of senna suggests [ The orbits have homes that run for an indefinite period .]Know that when God Almighty created the planets and their ages with possessions, and ordained for the seven planets, the moving planets in which they run for a fixed term, He determined the time by their flowing and swimming, and He created the place before the places and extended from them chips to specific places in the seven heavens and the earth. The Mighty, the All-Knowing, if He created a mind from among the intellects, aware of what He deposited in it from the attribute of ability and not from another attribute, He singled it out for the sons of his kind, and that is from the apparent name that is specific to this mind. From the first and last name that this mind is unique to, then these rivers flowed into the inner name that has, so its priority over all other firsts and its lastness over all the other ones, as well as its outward and inward appearance. The mind has a black, concealed, pure spot between red and yellow, and I saw the thin layer that is between the place and this particular place, and I saw Moses, Aaron and Joseph, peace be upon them, looking at this mind and the branch of the Almighty from this presence. There are groups that He singled out for Himself, the number of which is known only to God in the heavens and the earth and what is between them and what is under the soil to the extent of equating. |
This is the book of the Meccan Revelations, by the Greatest Master Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi The pagination is in agreement with the Cairo edition (Dar al-Kutub al-Arabiya al-Kubra) - al-Maymaniya - known as the Standard Edition. Subtitles have been added within square brackets. |