The Meccan Revelations - the 3rd Bulaq Edition |
Chapter: | On knowing the station of the human message and its secrets. |
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Page 257 - from Volume Two (Display Image)![]() Every messenger must be a guardian, for the message is a special position in the guardianship and the message is with the angels in this world and in the hereafter because they are the ambassadors of truth for some of them and their class and for those other than them in the world and the hereafter. Legislation, not general prophecy [ The Origin of the Message in the Divine Names and Their Place at the Throne ]The origin of the message in the divine names and the reality of the message is the communication of words from the speaker to the listener, it is a state without a station and it does not survive after the end of the communication and it is renewed, and it is his saying what comes to them of remembrance from their Lord is updated, so bringing it is the message and the occurrence of the dhikr at the hearer who is sent to it is the speech sent with it and it may be called The speech with which a message is sent, and it is a knowledge that conveys it to the addressee. That is why the knowledge of the message appeared in the form of milk and the messengers are milk, but the message has a station with God, from it God sends messengers, so we made the message a station while it is at the throne. They prefer each other in terms of what they are messengers, but God preferred some messengers over others and some prophets over others. [ Every one of the Messengers is virtuous in one way and virtuous in another. ]And there is no group who share a station except that they are alike in what they shared and prefer each other to other conditions, which are the same as what the participation occurred in, and what happens in the comparison may lead to equality. It is virtuous from one aspect and preferred by one, so one of them is preferred with something that no one else has, and that favored one is preferred with something that is not with the virtuous one. [ There is a need for an imam in every kind ]And in us, it may not be equal, and one collects all what the group has, so he prefers the group by collecting what some of them have preferred over others, not by an extra command. In every race, there must be an imam in every kind of messenger, prophet, guardian, believer, human, animal, plant, mineral, and king. [ The Divine Word as Judgment and Its Parts ]The place of the message is the chair because from the throne the divine word is divided into news and judgment. Shariah, which is the obligatory and obligatory, and to what is praised for its action, which is recommended, and it is not blamed for leaving it. [ The divine word as news and its divisions ]As for the report, it is divided into two parts, one related to what is the truth upon him, and the other related to what is known to him, and the one related to what is the truth upon him is divided into two parts, the part that knows and the part that does not know, so the one who does not know himself and the one who knows is divided into two parts. Something, and al-Quddoos and the like, and a section that seeks similarity, which is the attributes of actions, and every name of God seeks the world, and these sections are all the sum of the message and with it the messengers came. [ The message is a divine specialization, the truth is a speaker and the Messenger is a teacher ]And the message, if it is established and it is established that it is an unearned divine specialization, proves that the truth is spoken, i.e. described by words, then it is the sum of what was said to him. [ One thing is unreasonable but it is not useful to communicate it ]And it was not called a message except for these sections that contain it, and if not for these sections, it would not be a message because the one thing is unreasonable other than it, the benefit of conveying it does not fall to the addressee because he does not comprehend it. Other than it is the omnipotent and the popular, so be aware of what we have referred to. You will find the stored knowledge and the messengers, by convention, warning of succession and plurality. ( Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Ninth on the Station of the Human Message )The Messenger is the tongue of truth for humans *** by command and prohibition, information and lessons They are smart, but they are not distracted by that intelligence because of its deception Do you not see them for the tapirs of palm trees and what *** was in it for the harm that came? They are safe from ideas if they legislate *** as a rule to permit and prohibit human beings |
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This is the book of the Meccan Revelations, by the Greatest Master Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi The pagination is in agreement with the Cairo edition (Dar al-Kutub al-Arabiya al-Kubra) - al-Maymaniya - known as the Standard Edition. Subtitles have been added within square brackets. |