The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

For there is bad manners with God in every aspect in resolving it, for it is not without being aware of God’s knowledge of it whether or not a mistake will occur on his part in the appellant’s case. If he knows that, then there is no benefit in resolving not to go back after knowing that he will not go back, even if he does not know. He covenanted with God about that, and he was one of those whom God had decreed that he would return to breaking God’s covenant and covenant, and if God informed him that he would return, then he resolved after knowing that he would return in arrogance. In every respect, the resolve is of no use to the appellant, neither to the one with knowledge nor to the one other than the knowledgeable. The repentance that was asked of us is only an image of what happened. Adam, peace be upon him

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Indeed, the One who expands all His creation

So if Leave us *** who disputes the truth with his creation

and equalizes it with what appears *** from the age of the sun he is more judicious

She is in us with her light*** and I am in him by his right .

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Know that Adam was not designated for caliphate except by will, and if He had willed, He would place it among those of His creation who designated it. We would say that it is not valid for it to be except in the name of the perfect human, and if He had combined it in other than human creatures, that would have been the same as the perfect human, for He is the caliph upon whom He was created. If you say, then the entire world. A great human being, so it would have been sufficient. We said that if he had been appointed as the caliph, then he would not have been responsible for it. There must be one who combines the images of the world and the image of truth. This association will have a caliph in the world for the sake of the apparent name. This imam is expressed by the great human being who combines both images. Some of the world is greater than others. Man, not in the aggregate, for in the perfect man is what is not in the one individual of the world, so it is by will, except in t

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As for those who say that prophecy is acquired, they mean by this the attainment of a special status with God without legislation, neither against themselves nor against others. So whoever does not understand prophecy other than the essence of the law and the establishment of rulings, he says of specialization and the prevention of earning. So if you look at the words of one of God’s people, the possessors of revelation, he points out In his words, to gain, like Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali and others, so their intent is nothing other than what we have mentioned, and we have explained this in the chapter on praying upon the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, at the end of the prayer chapter of this book .

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And who is the hypocrite? He agrees from Chapter 329. The hypocrite only agrees with what the facts give him. He is two-faced when he saw the matter as two. And He created from everything two pairs and the world according to the image. So where will you go? Where no one has stood over the eye except one with two eyes, who stands between the two curtains. If the expert observer is described. By looking at his saying, “There is nothing like Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing,” then this will be verified and what is hidden for him in this verse will become clear from the comfort of his eye. So he combined loftiness and similitude, and it is the position of the One who is near and honorable, for the market is hypocrisy, and only the people of hypocrisy afflict it.

One day, if you see the Yemen *** and if you meet a contagious person, then Adnan

And he is with you wherever you are, despite the differences in beli

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