The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And know that the truth is still in this world, always manifesting itself to the hearts, so the thoughts in man differ from the divine manifestation in that only the people of God feel it. They also know that the difference of apparent forms in this world and the hereafter in all existing beings is nothing other than its diversity, for it is apparent since it is an essence. Everything, and in the Hereafter, a person’s interior will be constant, for he is the same as his exterior appearance in this world, and the change in it is hidden, and it is his new creation in every time in which they are in confusion, and in the Hereafter, his exterior will be like his interior in this world, and the divine manifestation of him will be permanent in reality, so his exterior will vary in the Hereafter as it was. His inner being varies in this world in the forms in which the divine manifestation is present and is imbued with it. This is the imaginative divine similarity, except that in the afte

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The ruling of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in such matters may differ from the ruling of others, for the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, may be specific to matters that no one else has due to a specific description either required by prophecy in absolute terms or by his prophecy, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. For God says to His Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. In taking charity, you purify them and purify them with it, and he did not say they purify themselves but do not purify themselves with it. This may be part of his specific description, and he is compassionate and merciful to his nation. If he had not known that taking it would purify him and purify him with it, and God told him that Tha’labah ibn Hatib would find him a hypocrite, so he abstained out of good manners with God .

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Likewise, our law came with the most complete laws, as it followed the course of universal truths, and it gave comprehensive speech, and it was limited to four women, and it prohibited anything more than that by way of marriage subject to the contract, so the king of the oath was not included in that, and the king of the oath was permitted in opposition to the fifth matter that some scholars went to, as well as the pillars. From the natural world there are four, and through the intercourse of the upper world with these four, God creates what is generated in them, and they differed in this regard over six schools of thought

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The other gets angry, and you are a ruler, and the two adversaries are in the council of your heart, the king and the devil. So be satisfied with the king and make the devil angry, for he says to the person, “Disbelieve,” and when he disbelieves, he says, “I am disavowed of you. Indeed, I fear God, Lord of the worlds, and know that religion is stronger and more fortified than it, and justice is the strongest tool that the ruler takes to fight whomever of the two opponents displeases him.” For he fights his own desires in it, especially if the invalid is his intimate friend and companion. If you do not want to fear anyone, do not fear anyone. You will be safe from everything if everything is safe from you. I passed on my travels in the time of my ignorance, with my father with me, and I was between Qarmouna and Balma in the country of Andalusia, and when With a herd of wild asses grazing, and I was fond of hunting them, and my boys were far away from me, I thought to myself and dec

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Know that concealing charity is a condition for attaining the high status that God has bestowed upon the seven ideals, and the form of concealing it is in several ways, including that the one to whom you have given charity does not know about you, and you are kind enough to convey that to him in any way, for there are many ways

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