The Meccan Revelations - the 3rd Bulaq Edition |
Chapter: | On knowing the twelve Poles with whom the orb of the world rotates. |
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Page 86 - from Volume Four (Display Image)![]() He does not know that, so he is ignorant of the truth, and when he knows and does not act upon his knowledge, then he is not wise, so the owner of this position must have complete intellect, full of knowledge, and this is the divine protection and the greatest care, and the behavior on this ideal way, which is the path of the Zulfi, is the most upright behavior. And He sent down every creation in its rank, He made between the world a spiritual and physical fusion for the appearance of persons of every kind from the world, since the entry of persons of every kind into existence was impossible. And when it was created from clay and he said, Blessed be God, the best of creators. Then he mentioned that God created the best of them in creation, for He, the Most High, creates what He creates from witnesses, and the Creator does not create except from a conceptual image of existing objects that he wants to create like them or create like them, and the creation of truth is not like that, for he creates or creates The created being is what the creature is upon it in itself and its eyes. Nothing covers it except the state of existence with a dependence called creation. So whoever God has placed in order to reveal the objects of what He wills of the possible things, it is not in His power to find them. For the eye of the possible fixed, I mean by directness, but he has the determination, which is the will for its existence, not the will to find it from him, because he knows that this is impossible in his right. The thing must be said in the witness: So-and-so did with his intention of such-and-such. His rank would appear to him because his temperament demands it, and I mean the first rank, so he acquires readiness for high or worldly matters according to what that acquired preparedness gives him, and it appears in the world in a similar manner. That is, I mean the rank in which it appeared, and the matter is not in itself as it appeared to the person with this view, for the effective preparation is in creation, and it is a self-preparation. Knowing about most of creation, for example, that they see a silent person who has conceived the sciences and the most wise and given the lowest ranks of those who collect these virtues and sciences should not be the goal of that rank. He identified those virtues that he collected and those sciences that he wisest, and among them this low rank that the sultan has appointed over him if he was from the rulers and if he was not from the rulers and he did not obtain anything with this virtue from positions in which it was said that he is deprived and what is deprived, but the homeland necessitated that, which is that the world required That the great is treated with majesty at a time and at a time the great is treated with the young and at a time the small is treated with the young and at a time the small is treated with majesty unlike the home of the hereafter, the great in it is treated with greatness and the despicable is treated with contempt And if the beholder looks to see in the world who says in God what is not worthy of him and who He says in it what befits him of honor and praise and is greater than the truth, so that this servant will not be. As required by rational consideration, if the observer is sane, he knows with his mind that the home of this world is such that he is given and is left with the mental permissibility that is possible in every individual in the world, because this permissibility in the eyes of witnesses is neither knowledge nor true. What he is in himself is not attached to a sane person about the future unless God reveals to him the details of the possible things before they happen In existence, there is no difference between it and those who witnessed it in its occurrence, because this revealer removes from him the rule of rational permissibility in what was revealed by him and God made him aware of it, so this is some of the knowledge of this pole [ The eleventh pole on the foot of Salih, peace be upon him ]As for the eleventh pole, which is on the foot of Salih, peace be upon him, its surah from the Qur an is Surah Taha, and it has complete honor and positions in number. |
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This is the book of the Meccan Revelations, by the Greatest Master Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi The pagination is in agreement with the Cairo edition (Dar al-Kutub al-Arabiya al-Kubra) - al-Maymaniya - known as the Standard Edition. Subtitles have been added within square brackets. |