The Meccan Revelations - the 3rd Bulaq Edition |
Chapter: | On knowing the breath and its secrets. |
Page 441 - from Volume Two (Display Image)His humanity was absent in his Lord, so things were formed from him and is formed only from God, and the lordship was absent in his humanity, so he enjoyed things and enjoyed, eating, drinking and marrying. What is above it because it is material from it and so is everything that is under it forever. The birth gathers the realities of what is above it until it reaches the human being, and it is the last of the birth, in which the forces of all the world and the divine names are combined in their completeness. There is no existence more perfect than the perfect human being. There is no other than the rank of man, but his relation to man is the ratio of the body of the dead to man, so he is a human in form, not in reality, because the body of the dead is missing in the eyes of the eye all the powerful, and also this who did not complete and perfect in the caliphate, so he is not a caliph except who has the divine names by merit, that is, he is on the composition A special one accepts it, as not every structure accepts it, and this is one of the divine secrets that the minds are permitted to accept, and it is impossible for them to be. The works are the third, then he made in each section four rivers multiplied by three, of which there are twelve rivers, and from them appeared in Moses stone twelve springs for twelve tribes. He says unchanging, which is the science of life, and the river of wine, the science of conditions, and the river of honey, which is the science of revelation in its various forms, and for this reason the angels are stunned when they hear the revelation, as the drinker of wine and the river of milk get drunk, which is the science of secrets and the pulp that sports and piety produce. Spirituality and the emergence of a natural sensory phenomenon and an intermediate physical development of an ideal isthmus, and each of these rivers has its share. And in the inheritance paradise like it, and in the deeds paradise like it, for he who has a commission for work either from himself or from those who gave him something from the works, he gets a person from sciences in each paradise according to the reality of that paradise and according to the source of his upbringing from it, its intake differs, and the sciences differ, and the gardens differ, so tastes differ, and the soul of the Most Merciful in it is permanent. Its drive is not interrupted by a wind called the exciting, and there is a tree in Paradise. The benefit is obtained, and each one acquires a knowledge that he did not know, so his rank rises with the heights of that knowledge. If they rise from under that tree, they find for them degrees and places that they did not know in their gardens, so they find pleasure in it that is not appreciable, so they wonder and do not know where it comes from, so the exciting wind blows on them from the soul The Most Merciful tell them that these degrees that you have attained are your homes in the ranks of the knowledge that you have acquired under the sociable tree in your club. And it is a fixed sign, it has permanence and it has subjugation, for this reason its people say to a thing, Be. He does not refuse but that it be, because there is no one in the constellations who has as much power as him. He has the power to bring matters out of nothingness into existence. Of the images in it are a thousand and twenty-one images, and the images of the seven maids in the seven heavens, so the sum of all is one thousand and twenty-eight images, all of which cut into the orbit of the zodiac between fast and slow, and the day of each of them is as much as the zodiac s orbit cuts it, so the faster of it cuts through the moon, for its day is twenty-eight. One of the days of the great cycle in which these days are estimated, and they are the days that are familiar to people, as indicated by the Almighty in His saying, and that a day with your Lord is like a thousand years of what you reckon, meaning These are the well-known days. The shortest days of these planets are the day of the moon, and its amount is twenty-eight days of what you count, and the longest day for a planet of it is thirty-six thousand years of what you count. And the Day of Dhul-Miraj from the Divine Names is fifty thousand years, and the Day of the Name of the Lord is like a thousand years of what you count. And every divine name has a day. So if you want to know All the days of the images of the planets, I mean their amount from the known days, so multiply the thousand and twenty one |
This is the book of the Meccan Revelations, by the Greatest Master Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi The pagination is in agreement with the Cairo edition (Dar al-Kutub al-Arabiya al-Kubra) - al-Maymaniya - known as the Standard Edition. Subtitles have been added within square brackets. |