The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Clear evidence is not the case, for if the sign is not clear, which is verification by it and by it, the prophets and saints are decisive in what comes to them from God. Abu Al-Badr Al-Tamashaki Al-Baghdadi told me, and he is one of the poor truthful people, one of the cleanest in dress and the best in expression. He said to me, a meeting took place between me and Sheikh Ragheeb Al-Rahbi, and he was one of the Those who know, except that what has been conveyed to us has not reached the level of knowledgeable people who have completed their work, that he told him about a man of the time that he saw a garment that had come out of the presence, and he gave a sign about that man and until now he has not seen it because he did not see that sign, so Abu Al-Badr, may God be pleased with them all, said to him. O Sheikh, did you not see many men after that? He said to him, “Yes.” He said, “And they were among the great ones.” He said, “Yes, but I did not see that sign in any of them.” Abu

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And know that the Mighty King among his people has not come to you or descended upon you unless he has left his tyranny behind his back, or your tyranny with him is greater than his tyranny. In any case, he has descended to you, so you descended upon him.

His status in himself, with which he is pleased, is Wise, and God did not blame His Prophet regarding the blind and the servant except in the presence of both groups, so in the aggregate the blame occurred, and with it I say not in isolation, for the glorification of kings and rulers is part of the glorification of your Lord and the glorification of the poor is redress, nothing other than for their brokenness in their poverty. If the poor are among the poor on the road, then this is not reparation for him, for his poverty and brokenness will not be removed from him by your glorification. And your acceptance and your acceptance, for the one who is witnessed is only his Lord, but redress is only for the poor from God, so th

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Since it has been proven that knowledge of a matter cannot exist except by knowledge of another matter that has preceded this knowledge, there is a correspondence between the known things, and it has been proven that there is no correspondence between God Almighty and His creation in terms of the correspondence that exists between things, which is the correspondence between kind, species, or type. Thus, we do not have prior knowledge of anything by which we can perceive the essence of truth because of the connection between them. For example, we know of the nature of the spheres, which is a fifth nature that we would not have known at all, if we had not previously known of the four mothers. When we saw the spheres outside of these natures by a ruling that is not in these mothers, we knew that Then there is a fifth nature in terms of the upper movement that is in the ether and the air and the lower one that is in the water and the dirt and the correspondence between the spheres and

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Among that is the science of concretization in etiquette with Al-Siraj Al-Munir from Chapter 343. If the surahs are dictated and the verses are recited, then listen and pay attention, perhaps you will have mercy with understanding and then return, so know. Returning is that you know. If you delve into it, its meanings are forbidden to you, so stay at home, prepare your death, think about your death, and lower your voice, for the honorable are honorable. They do not like to raise their voice when speaking, because speaking loudly is an appearance, and they are people of concealment and the unseen, even though they are light. Is their concealment due to the intensity of their appearance, or is it to lower their veil?

Tell me, tell me, investigate * ** And they knocked at the source of my path

So if you are as I told you *** then know that you did not pass

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For us, commanding a thing does not require prohibiting its opposite, for what is mentioned in the utterance of that, so if it is presented and spoken of, we accept it. If you do not do what God has commanded you to do, then you have disobeyed Him. If commanding a thing were a prohibition of its opposite, the person would have committed two sins or as many sins as There are no opposites for that which he is commanded to do, and there is no one to say it, for a person is only held accountable for abandoning what he was commanded to do or doing what he was commanded to avoid and nothing else, so he bears one sin and one bad deed, so he will not be rewarded except the like of it, and the matter has taken its due due, both apparent and hidden, in truth, morals, and morals, and God speaks the truth, and He guides the path.

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