« Chapter» [The Theory of Transmissions of the Divine Sciences]
As for the transmissions of the Divine Sciences, this is the dissipation to which he went. Abu Al-Ma’ali, the Imam of the Two Holy Mosques, and the attachments that Muhammad bin Omar bin Al-Khatib Al-Razi and the mother of the people of ancient and well-established path from the people of our path went to, so do not say here about transitions, for things in the truth are witnessed, the entities are known and the conditions are in the forms in which they are, and from them, when their entities are found to an infinite extent, then there is no attachment to them. The doctrine of Ibn al-Khatib, and it is not an extension of the doctrine of the Imam of the Two Holy Mosques, may God be pleased with them all, and the correct rational evidence gives what we went to, and this is what the people of God mentioned and we agreed with it, gives it the revelation from the place that is beyond the stage of reason, so everyone believed and every power was given according to it, so if God created the objects, He created them for them. No to Him, and it is in its states in its places and times, regardless of its different locations and times, so He reveals to it its particulars and conditions, little by little, to an infinite number of successions and successions. For the matter with regard to God is one, as the Almighty said, and Our command is only one, like the glimpse of sight and multiplicity in the same numberable matters.