The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Praise be to God who created things out of non-existence and non-existence and made their existence depend on the direction of a word, so that we may investigate the secret of their occurrence and their antiquity from His antiquity, and we stop at this investigation on what He has informed us of the veracity of His antiquity, so He appeared, Glory be to Him, and appeared and revealed, and what He concealed, but He concealed and concealed, and for Him the First Name confirmed the existence of the servant’s eye. It has been proven and established that the other name has the meaning of annihilation and loss, and it had been proven before that. If it were not for the era, the contemporary, the ignorant, and the knowledgeable, no one would have known the meaning of his first and last names, nor the inner and the apparent, even though his beautiful names are on this more correct path, but there is a discrepancy between them in the positions. This becomes clear when means are taken. When

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And praying over the world’s secret, its joke, the world’s demand and its desire, the Truthful Master, the one who reaches out to his Lord, the All-Creator, through whom He penetrates the seven paths, to show him to those who are captivated by him, the signs and truths he has deposited in the creations he has created, which I witnessed when I composed this sermon in the world of exemplary realities, in the presence of the Majestic, revealing his heart in Presence in my absence, and when I witnessed him, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in that world, as a master with infallible purposes, preserved and witnessed, supported and supported, and all the messengers in front of him, lined up, and his nation, which is the best nation, gathered around him, and the angels of subjugation around the throne of his station were surrounded, and the angels born of deeds were pure in front of him, and the truthful is on his right, the souls, and the superior is on His holy left hand, with

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