The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Among them is the knowledge of appreciating confusion in hadith and what is removed from that and what is not. Among them is the knowledge of presenting temptations to the hearts and the judgment of those who are more familiar with them than others. Among them is the knowledge of the reason that keeps the doubter in his doubt while being able to see the way out of doubt and he does not do so. Among them is the knowledge of the difference between faith and knowledge. And there are levels between the scholar and the believer. Among them is the knowledge of following the truth to please His servants who follow what pleases Him as a reward for harmony. Among them is the knowledge of delaying clarification while being able to expedite its clarification of a matter that the scholar sees despite the need for it. Among them is the knowledge of the character of the one for whom divine pardon seeks. Among them is the knowledge of what sciences should be revealed and what should be revealed.

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Book _ _ A self without a firefly *** and no ink and no acquisition

And no adjectives or adjectives *** and no coming or going

Then if he repents to the one who repented, *** he will meet the one who repents.

He seeks gratitude in Pots *** and in a jar like Al-Jawabi

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This is the station of rational monotheism, I mean the unification of actions, i.e. there is no agent but God, and it is an honorable station. Know that the world has ceased to exist in its state of non-existence, observing the necessary existence, because it has ceased to be in the absence of probable and it is fixed in the eye, and the Truth has described it in its state of non-existence by hearing and obedience to it, so it is not permissible for it. In addition to witnessing, and for this reason no one of the possible denies it in its existence, except that this human being alone among the world has associated with it some of those over whom the veil of nature has prevailed, and that is what he is accustomed to hearing, obeying, and worshiping in authenticity, except for a Lord who witnesses him, and that object of worship has become the veil of nature in his absence, so he took what he took. Of the existing beings that he witnesses and sees, either from the heavenly world, su

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