The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

By pointing and not with other expressions, except by a divine teaching that the graphic scholars are ignorant of, and that is that the sign can only be with the intent of the signer in doing so, that he is pointing, not from the point of view of the person being referred to. If you ask them to explain what they mean by the sign, they will give it to the questioner from the graphic scholars, according to the common sense. An example of that person is in a matter. His chest became distressed while he was thinking about it, and a man calls another man named Faraj, and he says, “O Faraj,” and this person whose chest is distressed hears him, and he rejoices and says, “God’s relief has come, God willing,” meaning, from this distress that he is in, and his chest expands just as the Messenger of God , may God bless him and grant him peace, did. May God bless him and grant him peace in reconciling with the polytheists when they kept him away from the House. Then a man from the polytheists

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When the people of God saw that the sign had been considered, they used it among themselves, but they clarified its meaning, place, and time, so they did not use it among themselves or within themselves except when sitting with someone who was not of their kind or for something that was going on in their souls. The people of God agreed on words that no one except them knew except them, and they followed a method. No one else knows it, just as the Arabs used similes and metaphors in their speech so that they could understand each other. If they were alone with members of their own kind, they would speak of what was the matter according to the clear text, and if someone who was not one of them was present with them, they would speak among themselves using the words they had agreed upon, so the foreign companion would not know what they were talking about or what they were saying. The most amazing thing about this method, and it is only found in it, is that there is no sect that carr

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If only God understood the wisdom in us

I saw the matter rise above *** the realm of thought and concern .

It strikes, but it does not appear. *** Here are the sums of the words .

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Know that the devils are divided into two categories: a moral part and a sensory part. Then the sensory part of that is divided into two parts: a human devil and a jinn devil. God Almighty says, “The human devils and the jinn, one of them inspires one another.” The semblance of speech is deception. And if your Lord had willed, they would not have done it, so leave it alone. And what they invent, He made them people who invent against God And a moral demon occurred between them in man. This is because the demon of the jinn and mankind, if one of them casts something into a person’s heart that distances him from God by it, he may introduce a specific matter, which is specific to a specific issue, or he may introduce a general matter and abandon it, and if it is a general matter, then it will open for him a path to other matters. Neither the jinn nor the human will notice it. The soul will understand it and deduce from that resemblance things that if he speaks of them, Satan will lea

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