The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The wrath of the disbelievers is that faith does not remove the descent of wrath upon them, even though God accepts their faith in the Hereafter, so they meet it and have no sin on their part, for perhaps if they lived after that, they would gain sins

O leveled creation *** How much you call, how much you wriggle

So hurry before the day *** I wish you could settle it

With them on earth are men *** like dung that were stingy.

The Most Gracious created Creation *** just like what he said, so he made it better

Then he gave him power *** and he was stronger .

He said, “Be for everything.” It did not exist and it was a calamity.

And if the truth says About Himse

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Whoever is astonished by something of his own kind*** is ignorant and has strayed from himself

If he had known his descriptions *** he would not have been astonished by what he is of his kind .

And everything that is good in it is from *** the darkness of the nights and the years His sun

And everything in the universe is in it, and from His lowest descent and from His sanctity

And look, for you are the matter, so stick to ***’s knowledge and do not look to his intuition .

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The Blessed and Most High said, “There is nothing like Him.” And He said, “And they have not esteemed God as He deserves His esteem.” And God Almighty said, “Glory be to your Lord, Lord of glory above what they describe.” And He said, “And to Him belongs glory in the heavens and the earth, and He is the Mighty. Wise, and he said, “For God is Self-sufficient of the worlds, and despite all of this, ”

He is the one who said in the Sahih from the reports about him: I fell ill and you did not visit me, I was hungry and you did not feed me, and I was thirsty and you did not give me something to drink.

He said something like this to his servant, so he lowered himself here in the position of his servants. Where is that pride in this descent? It is proven in the Sahih that God admires the young man who does not He has patience

It is proven that God is more happy with the repentance of His servant than the owner of the she-camel that has his food and drink on it,

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