The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

With truthfulness is the vision of truthful men, and whoever accompanies the opposite, no vision will be believed for him

Honesty in the highest enemy has its levels *** and its opposite is in the lowest enemy

It is prophecy except that it fell short *** of abrogating the law, and this is a higher level

Indeed, I saw swords of passion drawn up *** and in my right hand was a sword of passion, this world

She did not leave an eye or a trace of her *** with that sword in the afterlife and in this world

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Know, may God help you, that man has two states, a state called sleep and a state called wakefulness. In both cases, God has given him a perception by which he perceives things. These perceptions in wakefulness are called senses, and in sleep they are called combined senses. Everything you see while awake is called vision, and everything you see while awake is called a sense. Sleep is called short vision, and everything that a person perceives in sleep is what the imagination has detected in the state of wakefulness from the senses, and it is of two types: either what he perceived its form through the senses, or what he perceived parts of his form that he perceived in sleep through the senses. This is necessary, for it lacks something in the perception of the senses. In the origin of his creation, he did not perceive in wakefulness that matter which lost the sensory meaning with which he perceived it in the origin of his creation, so he never perceives it in sleep. The original is

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Know also that prophecy is the speech of God Almighty, or the speech of God Almighty, however you like, as you say to whomever of His servants you wish, in these two states of wakefulness and sleep, and this divine speech called prophecy is of three types: a type called revelation, a type whose words are heard from behind a veil, and a type through the mediation of a messenger, so that messenger inspires. From an angel or a human being, God willing, whatever He wills to whomever He sends it to, and it is the word of God, since this messenger only translates from God, as God Almighty said, and it is not for a human being that God should speak to him except by revelation, or from behind a veil, or he sends a messenger, so revelation from him is what he delivers to the hearts of his servants without an intermediary. So I make them hear in their hearts a speech that cannot be heard, no limit can take it, and no imagination can imagine it, and yet he understands it and does not know ho

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Know that the principle of revelation is the true vision, and it does not occur except during sleep.

Aisha said in the authentic hadith: The first thing the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, began with from revelation was the true vision

p> He would not see a vision except that it came like the breaking of dawn, and the reason for that was his truthfulness p

For it was proven that he said, “The most truthful of you in a dream is the most truthful of you in a hadith.

So he would not tell anyone, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, a hadith about forgery. He visits it within himself, rather he speaks about what he perceives with one or all of his sensory faculties, what was happening for the purpose, and he does not say what did not happen, and he does not speak while awake about something that he depicts in his imagination, which he did not see for that image in its entirety with an eye in the senses. This is the reason for

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