Les révélations mecquoises: futuhat makkiyah

Downloading the various manuscripts and editions of the Meccan Revelations

More links will be posted soon!

The Maymaniya edition - Cairo (which is the standard edition in most references):

  1. maymaniya_p1
  2. maymaniya_p2
  3. maymaniya_p3
  4. maymaniya_p4

Edition of Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmia - Edited by Ahmed Shams Al-Din

  1. fmakia1.pdf
  2. fmakia2.pdf
  3. fmakia3.pdf
  4. fmakia4.pdf
  5. fmakia5.pdf
  6. fmakia6.pdf
  7. fmakia7.pdf
  8. fmakia8.pdf
  9. fmakia9.pdf

Veuillez noter que certains contenus sont traduits de l'arabe de manière semi-automatique!