The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Brwose Headings Section I: on Knowledge (Maarif) Section II: on Interactions (Muamalat) Section IV: on Abodes (Manazil)
Introductions Section V: on Controversies (Munazalat) Section III: on States (Ahwal) Section VI: on Stations (Maqamat of the Pole)
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four

The Meccan Revelations - the 3rd Bulaq Edition

On knowing the secrets of Charity.
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Page 548 - from Volume One (Display Image) - Meccan Revelations - Page  - from Volume

That is why God called it charity, i.e. it is a severe matter for the soul. The Arabs say the spear of sincerity, which means hard and strong hardness, meaning that the soul finds to give this money to God hardship and embarrassment, as Tha labah bin Hatib said.

(Muayyad arrived) [Zakat of the hypocrites]

The Almighty said in the right of Thalabah bin Hatib and among them who has pledged to God, when he brought us from his grace, we will believe and be among the righteous and what God Almighty told him that he said, God willing, if he said, God willing, then he said:

That is because when God imposed zakat, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, came asking for zakat on his sheep, and he said, This is the brotherhood of the tribute.

[ The Messenger of God refused to accept the charity of Tha`labah bin Hatib ]

When he was informed of what God had revealed about him, he brought his zakat to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, but the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, refused to take it from him and did not accept his alms until he died, may God bless him and grant him peace.

The reason for his, may God s prayers and peace be upon him, refraining from accepting his charity is that God informed him that he would meet him as a hypocrite, and if the Prophet, may God s prayers and peace be upon him, took charity from him, he would purify him with it, purify him and send blessings upon him as God commanded him. God, for these conditions, the Messenger of God, may God s prayers and peace be upon him, was not able to take the alms from him when he brought it to him after saying what he had said. The caliphate brought it to him, so he took it from him, interpreting that it is the right of the types for whom God has ordained this amount in this money.

[ What was criticized for the act of Othman bin Affan ]

This act of Uthman is among the things he criticized, and he should not criticize the mujtahid of the ruling on what his ijtihad led him to, for the Shariah has decided the rule of the mujtahid and the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, forbade any of his rulers to take his charity from this person, and the divine command to pay zakat has been received.

[ The rule of the Messenger of God may differ from that of someone else .]

The ruling of the Messenger of God, may God s prayers and peace be upon him, in such a case may differ from the ruling of others, for it may be specific to the Messenger of God, may God s prayers and peace be upon him, in matters that do not belong to anyone else, for a specific description, either absolutely required by prophecy or by his prophethood, may God bless him and grant him peace, for God says to his Prophet, may God s prayers and peace be upon him, in taking alms It purifies them and purifies them with it, and what he said is that they purify themselves and do not purify themselves with it. This may be specific to his description, and he is kind and merciful to his nation. If not, he would not have known that taking it would purify him and purify him with it.

[ Ijtihad is acceptable, and every diligence is rewarded. ]

Whoever wanted to stop for his standing, may God s prayers and peace be upon him, like Abu Bakr and Umar, and whoever wished did not stand like Uthman for the general command of God with it. The Messenger of God, may God s prayers and peace be upon him, did not forbid anyone, nor did he command him in what he stopped and avoided, so ijtihad was void, and every mujtahid took into account the evidence to which his ijtihad led him.

(Arrived) [Those who hoard gold and silver]

Know that when God Almighty said, Those who hoard gold and silver and do not spend it in the way of God, then give them good tidings of a painful chastisement. Zakat was revealed for his sake, so when he gave them of His bounty, they were stingy with him, and evaded themselves in disobedience. ?

[ Punishment for those who refuse to pay zakat ]

This is because if the questioner sees the owner of the money coming to him, the chains of his forehead tighten because he knows that he is asking him for his money, so his forehead is ironed, for the questioner knows that in his face. his back and left, so God informed that their backs were ironed with it. This is the ruling for those who withhold zakat, I mean zakat on gold and silver. As for zakat on sheep, cows and camels, it is another matter.

As it was mentioned in the text that he would gore for her at the bottom of a gurgle, and she would gore him with her horns, trample him with her hoofs, and bite him with her mouths.

For this reason, he singled out the collectors, the south, and the appearance by mentioning in ironing, and God knows best what he wanted

[ God has prescribed zakat as a purification for money .]

So God sent down zakat as we said is a purification of money, but it became more severe for the ignorant and ignorant people, because they believed that what was appointed for these categories belonged to them and that that was from their money, and they did not know that that was the aid.

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  This is the book of the Meccan Revelations, by the Greatest Master Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi

The pagination is in agreement with the Cairo edition (Dar al-Kutub al-Arabiya al-Kubra) - al-Maymaniya - known as the Standard Edition. Subtitles have been added within square brackets.


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Page 548 - from Volume One (Quotes from the Page)

[Chapter: 560] - On a wise advice from the Law to benefit the seeker and the arriving, and this is the last of the chapters of this book. (Videos related to this Chapter)

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