The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Brwose Headings Section I: on Knowledge (Maarif) Section II: on Interactions (Muamalat) Section IV: on Abodes (Manazil)
Introductions Section V: on Controversies (Munazalat) Section III: on States (Ahwal) Section VI: on Stations (Maqamat of the Pole)
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four

The Meccan Revelations - the 3rd Bulaq Edition

On knowing the secrets of Chastity.
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Page 332 - from Volume One (Display Image) - Meccan Revelations - Page  - from Volume

In whatever form he wills, and any letter that is indefinite, like a letter, for it is a letter that falls on everything, so he made it clear to you that the mood does not ask for a specific image, but after it occurs, you need this mood and return with it, because it contains the strength that you do not contemplate except with it, because his powers are like machines. For a carpentry or masonry maker, for example, if it is prepared, perfected, and emptied of it, it seeks by itself and its condition a maker who works with it what it was made for him and does not designate Zayd or Omar or immortal or a specific one. By spending every machine for what it has been prepared for, some of them are complementary, and they are the created, meaning the perfect creation, and others are not complementary, and they are not the creation, so the worker decreases from work as much as he decreases in the quality of the machine. In vain, even if it is long-term

[ Intention and intention in purity ]

As for the intent, which is the intention, a condition for the validity of this consideration, unlike the Almighty s saying, then perform tayammum of the earth with goodness. to him with the Arabs, so if you say to the Arab, Give me what came to you with water that is not added, what the Arabs understand of it other than that, and no messenger was sent and no book was revealed except in the language of his people.

The Messenger of God, may God s prayers and peace be upon him, says, The Qur an was only revealed in my tongue, in a clear Arabic tongue.

The Almighty says: We have made it an Arabic Qur an so that you may be wise. That is why he did not say intention in water, because it is the secret of life, so it gives life by itself, whether he intended it or not. In the dirt or the ground there is a difference also, and the one who performs ablution does not lack water in a different way. He said: Wash. He did not say Tayammum with good water. If they said, Actions are by intention, which is intention, and ablution is an action. We said, We accept what you say and we say it. But the intention here is related to action, not water and water. In this hadith, the intention is in terms of what is an action, not in terms of what is an action with water. Water here is subordinate to action, and action is what is meant by intention, and there is the intent for a good level, and acting with it is a follow-up that requires another intention when starting to act, just as working with water in ablution, ghusl, and all legitimate actions lacks sincerity. What is enjoined, which is the intention, contrary to what the Most High said, and they were only commanded to worship God, being sincere to Him in religion. And in realizing it, he understood and did not say in the water, Tayammum with water, for it lacks a spirit of intention, and the water in itself is a spirit, for it gives life from itself. This is why there was a dispute among Sharia scholars regarding the intention in ablution, whether it is a condition for its validity or not a condition for its validity and the secret is what we mentioned. The Shari a considered purification from it because of the impurity of my judgment in it due to the mixing of the impurity water with what is in the mixture, and the fact that the impurity is an impossible water of blood, so I shared the water in the secret of life, so we refused. Spiritual spirit and the rule of water, and they wash away with ghusl, the rule of impurity without a doubt, like Abu Hanifa. Janaabah water abstained from resisting absolute water, so he did not lack an intention like al-Hasan ibn Hayy and the scholars who differed from them did not understand what these two imams saw.

(wasl) [Departments of Water and Departments of Science]

And after you have verified this, know that water is two waters, a distilled, softening water of the utmost purity and purity, and it is rainwater, for it is impossible water of dense vapors. Water that has not reached this amount, and it is the water of springs and rivers, as it springs from stones mixed according to the spot in which it originates and flows over, and its taste varies.

[ Ghaith water and earthly science ]

And rain water on one case

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  This is the book of the Meccan Revelations, by the Greatest Master Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi

The pagination is in agreement with the Cairo edition (Dar al-Kutub al-Arabiya al-Kubra) - al-Maymaniya - known as the Standard Edition. Subtitles have been added within square brackets.


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Page 332 - from Volume One (Quotes from the Page)

[Chapter: 560] - On a wise advice from the Law to benefit the seeker and the arriving, and this is the last of the chapters of this book. (Videos related to this Chapter)

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