The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Brwose Headings Section I: on Knowledge (Maarif) Section II: on Interactions (Muamalat) Section IV: on Abodes (Manazil)
Introductions Section V: on Controversies (Munazalat) Section III: on States (Ahwal) Section VI: on Stations (Maqamat of the Pole)
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four

The Meccan Revelations - the 3rd Bulaq Edition

On knowing the abode of the interference with the Real in estimation, and it is from the Mohammedan presence.
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Page 300 - from Volume Three (Display Image) - Meccan Revelations - Page  - from Volume

His demise is associated with the demise of the universe from which he vanished, which is the world, and this name was our remembrance, and the remembrance of our sheikh who we entered into, and the benefits of remembrances are greater than their benefit. It is a great matter that no other dhikr has produced, for some scholars with drawings did not see this dhikr due to the high interest in it for him, as every beginner must have a report, so it is said to him that it is not necessary in the pronunciation, but rather it must have a benefit, and it appeared in the memory of it when he mentioned this word in particular. So we produce for him in his interior from the light of disclosure what no one else produces, rather he has an apparent news not in the word as an addition to his honor or praise for an action and it is known that if he mentions a matter, then mentions something and repeats it on the way to confirm to him that he gives from the benefit what he does not give him who does not have this Judgment and no intention of it, it is faster and more successful in seeking matters, so there is no tampering in the world in one sentence. As for the fifth trace, which is similar to the fourth, as it resembles the Aries section of the zodiac, the section of Leo and Sagittarius and others, even if this is what is the same and each one of them is unique with something that no other is similar with Being similar to him, so the resemblance occurred in the archeology as it happened In principle, it is everything that occurred in the world and gives a true meaning other than its appearance. And if it has a meaning such as the existence of the pleasure of intercourse without intercourse, then the benefit that had intercourse is achieved, but its attainment through intercourse is a meaning that does not occur except with intercourse, because what is meant by marriage is pleasure and the existence of pleasure has existed. If he wants to create from him what does not happen normally except with a machine, then he does it with his intention, not with a machine and at a time with a machine, then God is able to be Adam starting without fermentation, no direction of hands, no adjustment, no modification to blow a soul, but he says to him, Be, and it is, and with this, the wine of his clay with his hands, others, and justice. He breathed the Spirit into him and taught him the names and created things in an order as if he had wished, He would have made us suffice with the knowledge of Him from His names, but it is called such in every tongue that He put in the world, so it is called God in the Arabs, and my cheeks in the Persians, and a trumpet in Abyssinian, and in every tongue that has names with the knowledge of its existence. This is with dispensing with what appeared and sufficiency and from this section what appears from us of actions, although it is permissible for God to do them not with our hands, but he did not reach this act in the witness except with our hands, so he wanted to move the body from one place to another, so he made in us a desire to request the move, so we made a voluntary movement that we rationalize from Our souls and we move and move God created the original, but he found out of the will of an optional accident unlike the movement of the trembling, it is forced, the chosen person is forced to choose his choice according to the sane mind. In a move and from this section, the Almighty descends to the lowest heaven in the remaining third of the night, even though he is with us wherever we are. About the rank of the rich, because he does not accept this descent except for a divine proportion necessitated by his essence, and it was only by descending, so understand that additions have a subjective judgment that is not for other than the added, and the facts do not change. Himself and from an aspect that His Essence does not require, such as the Creator seeking creation and the world seeking the known. As for the seventh effect, the existence of circumstance in the universe is it an origin in the universe, then we carried it on the truth as a legal burden or is it in the truth according to what befits His majesty and it appeared in the world by act

As the Messenger of God, may God s prayers and peace be upon him, said to the black woman, Where is God? So she pointed to the sky and she was dumb

The Almighty said, God is All-Knowing of everything, and the intention of an active agent is given in the sense of the subject and in the meaning of the effect, as dead and wounded, so knowing in the sense of knowing and with a known meaning, and both sides are justified in this verse. In everything there is an awareness of what is known to him, and that is only for God or for whom God has made known to him. As for the eighth trace, it is the Almighty s saying, so ask an expert with it, meaning if you want to ask about the truth of a matter, then ask about him who has taste and who has no taste in things, do not ask him, for He only tells you in the name of what you asked about, not in reality, so the servant does not ask about God

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  This is the book of the Meccan Revelations, by the Greatest Master Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi

The pagination is in agreement with the Cairo edition (Dar al-Kutub al-Arabiya al-Kubra) - al-Maymaniya - known as the Standard Edition. Subtitles have been added within square brackets.


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Page 300 - from Volume Three (Quotes from the Page)

[Chapter: 560] - On a wise advice from the Law to benefit the seeker and the arriving, and this is the last of the chapters of this book. (Videos related to this Chapter)

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