The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

The Meccan Revelations Volume (31)

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The Meccan Revelations Volume (31)


volume 31 of the Meccan Revelations by the Greatest Master Muhyiedin Ibn Arabi, translation and commentary by Mohamed Haj Yousef

(work on this volume has not started yet.)




CHAPTER CONTENTS of Volume Thirty One


497 Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Seven: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾most of them never believe in Allah but only when they are sharing﴿.
498 Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Eight: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾and who bewares Allah He shall make an exit for him﴿.
499 Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Nine: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾nothing is like His example﴿.
500 Chapter Completing Five Hundred: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾and anyone of them (/the messengers) says I am a god without Him, that We shall give him Gehenna in return﴿.
501 Chapter Five Hundred and One: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾thus other than Allah you call if you are honest﴿?
502 Chapter Five Hundred and Two: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾do not betray Allah and His Messenger and betray your commitment while you know it﴿.
503 Chapter Five Hundred and Three: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾and they were not ordered but to worship Allah sincere to Him in religion﴿.
504 Chapter Five Hundred and Four: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾say: Allah, then leave them playing in their plunge﴿.
505 Chapter Five Hundred and Five: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾and be patient to the rule of your Lord because you are in Our Eyes﴿.
506 Chapter Five Hundred and Six: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾they feigned and Allah feigned, and He is the most beneficent of feigners﴿.
507 Chapter Five Hundred and Seven: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾does he not know that Allah sees﴿.
508 Chapter Five Hundred and Eight: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾Allah is the curator of those who believe, He takes them out of darkness into light﴿.
509 Chapter Five Hundred and Nine: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾and anything you have spent, He shall replace it, and He is the best of endowing﴿.
510 Chapter Five Hundred and Ten: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾I shall lay them off away from My signs, those who are arrogant in the earth without right﴿.
511 Chapter Five Hundred and Eleven: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾and beware Allah and Allah shall teach you﴿ ﴾if you beware Allah He shall make a divider for you﴿.
512 Chapter Five Hundred and Twelve: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾whenever their skins become ripen We replace them with other skins, in order that they taste the torture﴿.
513 Chapter Five Hundred and Thirteen: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾commemorating the mercy of your Lord to His servant Zechariah when he called upon Him with a concealed call﴿.
514 Chapter Five Hundred and Fourteen: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾and whoever entrust Allah He is sufficient for him﴿.
515 Chapter Five Hundred and Fifteen: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾and David thought that We have fascinated him, thus he asked the forgiveness of his Lord and fell down bowing and deputed﴿.
516 Chapter Five Hundred and Sixteen: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾Say: if it be that your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your mates, your kindred, the wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline and (/or) the dwellings in which you delight - are dearer to you than Allah, His Messenger, and the striving for His path; then wait until Allah brings about His command﴿ ﴾thus escape to Allah﴿.
517 Chapter Five Hundred and Seventeen: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾until that the earth constrained on them, with all its spaciousness, and their souls constrained on them, and they thought that there is no refuge away from Allah but to Himself﴿.
518 Chapter Five Hundred and Eighteen: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾until when terror is removed from their hearts will they say: ‘what your Lord said’, they will say: ‘the truth’ and He is the High and the Great﴿.
519 Chapter Five Hundred and Nineteen: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾conform to the call of Allah and His Messenger when He calls you to that which will give you life; and know that Allah comes in between the man and his heart, and that it is He to Whom you shall (all) be gathered﴿.
520 Chapter Completing Five Hundred and Twenty: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾but those who conform are (only) the ones who hear﴿.
521 Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty One: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾and take provision and the best provision is bewaring; thus beware Me﴿.
522 Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Two: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾and those who give what they give with their hearts are afraid that they will return to their Lord; these who hasten in every good, and these who are foremost in them﴿.
523 Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Three: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾but that who feared the domicile of his Lord﴿.
524 Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Four: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾say: if the sea was ink for the words of my Lord, the sea would be exhausted before the words of my Lord are exhausted, and even if we bring another one like it for its aid﴿.
525 Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Five: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾and anyone who transgresses the limits of Allah does verily wrong his (own) soul, you never know if perchance Allah will bring about something thereafter﴿.
526 Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Six: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾and had We not stabilized you, you would nearly have inclined to them a little. In that case We would make you taste double the life and double the death﴿.
527 Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Seven: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾and keep your soul content with those who call on their Lord morning and evening, seeking His Face; and let not your eyes pass beyond them, seeking the pomp and glitter of the Lower Life, and do not obey the one whose heart We have permitted to neglect the remembrance of Us and he follows his own desires, whose case has gone beyond all bounds. Say: the truth is from your Lord; whoever wills he may believe, and whoever wills he may disbelieve﴿.
528 Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Eight: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾the penalty of an offense is an offense like it﴿.
529 Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Nine: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾as for the nice land its plant springs up by the will of its Lord, and that which is bad springs up nothing but that which is niggardly﴿.
530 Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾they hide away from people and do not hide from Allah Who is with them when they contrive what He does not approve of saying﴿!
531 Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty One: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾in whatever situation you may be, whatever you may be reciting from the Qurãn, and whatever deed you (/mankind) may be doing, but We are witnesses on you thereof when you are engrossed therein﴿.
532 Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty Two: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾the prayer for the believers is (stated) in a timely book﴿.
533 Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty Three: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾and if My servants ask you about Me, I am near, I answer the call of the caller when he calls upon Me, thus they should conform to Me﴿.
534 Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty Four: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾but you are on a great ethic﴿.
535 Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty Five: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾who commemorate Allah while they are standing, sitting, and on their sides﴿.
536 Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty Six: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was (and to whom he desires the tilth of the Lower, We give him somewhat thereof, but he has no share in the Hereafter).
537 Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty Seven: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾and you dread people but you should dread Allah﴿.
538 Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty Eight: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾be straight as you were commanded, you and those who turned (unto Allah) with you; and do not transgress, for He sees well all that you do﴿.
539 Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty Nine: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾thus escape to Allah, I am a clear warning from him to you, and do not make with Allah another deity, I am a clear warning from him to you﴿.
540 Chapter Five Hundred and Forty: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾but if they waited until you come out to them it would have been better for them﴿.
541 Chapter Five Hundred and Forty One: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾and that who oppresses of you We shall make him taste a great torture﴿.
542 Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Two: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾and who is blind in this, he is in the Hereafter (also more) blind and more off course﴿.
543 Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Three: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾take what the Messenger grants you, and restrain from that which he withholds from you﴿.
544 Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Four: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾not a word does he (/man) utter but there is a sentinel by him, ready (to note it)﴿.
545 Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Five: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾and prostrate and come near﴿.
546 Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Six: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾thus turn away from that who gets away from commemorating Us﴿.
547 Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Seven: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾thus obey with what you are commanded and turn away from the polytheists﴿.
548 Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Eight: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾thus commemorate Me and I shall commemorate you﴿.
549 Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Nine: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾as to the one, who dispensed, to him does you attend﴿!
550 Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾thus when his Lord manifested to the mount He made it as dust and Moses fell down astounded﴿.
551 Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty One: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾Allah shall see your deed, and His Messenger﴿.
552 Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Two: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾but if they had only, when they were unjust to themselves, come unto you and asked Allah's forgiveness, and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them﴿.
553 Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Three: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾and Allah is from behind them surrounding﴿.
554 Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Four: On the description of the person to whom the meaning of the seal of prophecy moved and its secret (/sign) is like the button of hadjlh??? in meaning, and his abode ﴾do not think that those who exult in what they have brought about, and love to be praised for what they have not done, thus do not think they escape the penalty; for them is a grievous penalty﴿, and they are in it.
555 Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Five: On knowing the reason which prevented me from mentioning the rest of the poles from our time to the Day of Resurrection.
556 Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Six: On knowing the state of a Pole whose abode was ﴾Blessed be He in Whose hands is the Dominion﴿.
557 Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Seven: On knowing the absolute seal of guardians.



qn qv qp ab cn cv cp
497- فى حال قطب كان منزله (وما يؤمن أكثرهم باللّه إلا وهم مشركون) 9061 31 2 1 2157 4 133
498- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (ومن يتق اللّه يجعل له مخرجا ويرزقه من حيث لا يحتسب) 9065 31 4 1 2158 4 134
499- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (ليس كمثله شىء) وقتا على زيادة الكاف ووقتا على كونها صفة لفرض المثل وهو مذهبنا والحمد لله 9070 31 6 2 2159 4 135
500- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (ومَنْ يقل منهم إنى إله من دونه فذلك نجزيه جهنم) أى نرده إلى أصله وهو البعد يقال بئر جهنام إذا كانت بعيدة القعر 9073 31 8 1 2160 4 136
501- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (أغير اللّه تدعون إن كنتم صادقين) وكان هذا هجير الشيخ أبى مدين شيخنا رضى الله عنه 9078 31 10 2 2161 4 137
502- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (لا تخونوا اللّه والرسول وتخونوا أماناتكم وأنتم تعلمون) 9084 31 13 2 2162 4 138
وأما خيانة من خان رسول اللّه صلى الله عليه وسلم فهى فيما أعطاك اللّه من الآداب أن تعامل به رسول اللّهصلى الله عليه وسلم 9087 31 15 1 2163 4 139
وأما خيانة الأمانات 9089 31 16 1 2164 4 140
503- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (وما أمروا إلا ليعبدوا اللّه مخلصين له الدين حنفاء ويقيموا الصلاة ويؤتوا الزكاة وذلك دين القيمة) 9090 31 16 2 2164 4 140
504- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (قل اللّه ثم ذرهم) 9097 31 20 1 2165 4 141
505- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (واصبر لحكم ربك فإنك بأعيننا) كان عليه من أصحابنا محمد المراكشى بمراكش 9103 31 23 1 2167 4 143
506- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (ومكروا ومكر اللّه واللّه خير الماكرين) (ومكروا مكرا ومكرنا مكرا وهم لا يشعرون) 9109 31 26 1 2168 4 144
507- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله قوله تعالى (ألم يعلم بأنّ اللّه يرى) 9114 31 28 2 2169 4 145
508- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (اللّه ولىّ الذين آمنوا يخرجهم من الظلمات إلى النور) 9118 31 30 2 2170 4 146
509- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (وما أنفقتم من شىء فهو يخلفه) 9124 31 33 2 2172 4 148
510- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (سأصرف عن آياتى الذين يتكبرون فى الأرض بغير الحق) 9129 31 36 1 2173 4 149
511- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (إن تتقوا الله يجعل لكم فرقانا) (واتقوا اللّه ويعلمكم اللّه) 9135 31 39 1 2174 4 150
512- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (كلما نضجت جلودهم بدلناهم جلودا غيرها) 9140 31 41 2 2175 4 151
513- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (كهيعص ذكر رحمة ربك عبده زكريا) 9146 31 44 2 2177 4 153
514- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (ومن يتوكل على اللّه فهو حسبه) 9150 31 46 2 2177 4 153
515- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (وظن داود أنما فتناه فاستغفر ربه وخر راكعا وأناب) 9154 31 48 2 2178 4 154
516- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (قل إن كان آباؤكم وأبناؤكم وإخوانكم وأزواجكم وعشيرتكم وأموال اقترفتموها وتجارة تخشون كسادها ومساكن ترضونها أحب إليكم من اللّه ورسوله وجهاد فى سبيله فتربصوا) (ففروا إلى اللّه) 9159 31 51 1 2180 4 156
517- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (حتى إذا ضاقت عليهم الأرض بما رحبت وضاقت عليهم أنفسهم وظنوا أن لا ملجأ من اللّه إلا إليه) 9166 31 54 2 2181 4 157
518- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (حتى إذا فزع عن قلوبهم قالوا ماذا قال ربكم قالوا الحق وهو العلىّ الكبير) 9172 31 57 2 2183 4 159
519- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (استجيبوا للّه وللرسول إذا دعاكم لما يحييكم ) 9177 31 60 1 2184 4 160
520- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (إنما يستجيب الذين يسمعون) 9184 31 63 2 2186 4 162
521- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (وتزوّدوا فإن خير الزاد التقوى واتقونى يا أولى الألباب) 9190 31 66 2 2187 4 163
522- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (والذين يؤتون ما آتوا وقلوبهم وجلة أنهم إلى ربهم راجعون أولئك يسارعون فى الخيرات وهم لها سابقون) 9196 31 69 2 2188 4 164
523- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (وأمّا من خاف مقام ربه) 9200 31 71 2 2189 4 165
524- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (قل لو كان البحر مدادا لكلمات ربى لنفد البحر قبل أن تنفد كلمات ربى ولو جئنا بمثله مددا) 9205 31 74 1 2190 4 166
525- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (ومن يتعد حدود اللّه فقد ظلم نفسه لا تدرى لعل اللّه يحدث بعد ذلك أمرا) 9209 31 76 1 2191 4 167
526- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (ولولا أن ثبتناك لقد كدت تركن إليهم شيئا قليلا) 9215 31 79 1 2193 4 169
527- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (واصبر نفسك مع الذين يدعون ربهم بالغداة والعشىّ يريدون وجهه ولا تعد عيناك عنهم) الآية 9218 31 80 2 2193 4 169
528- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (وجزاء سيئة سيئة مثلها فمن عفا وأصلح فأجره على الله) 9223 31 83 1 2195 4 171
529- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (والبلد الطيب يخرج نباته بإذن ربه) 9226 31 84 2 2195 4 171
530- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (يستخفون من الناس ولا يستخفون من اللّه وهو معهم إذ يبيتون ما لا يرضى من القول وكان الله بما يعملون محيطا) 9233 31 88 1 2197 4 173
531- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (وما تكون فى شأن وما تتلو منه من قرآن ولا تعملون من عمل إلا كنا عليكم شهودا إذ تفيضون فيه) 9236 31 89 2 2198 4 174
532- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (إن الصلاة كانت على المؤمنين كتابا موقوتا) 9241 31 92 1 2199 4 175
533- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (وإذا سألك عبادى عنى فإنى قريب أجيب دعوة الداعى إذا دعانى) 9248 31 95 2 2201 4 177
534- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (وإنك لعلى خلق عظيم) 9253 31 98 1 2202 4 178
535- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله قوله جل ثناؤه وتقدست أسماؤه (الذين يذكرون اللّه قياما وقعودا وعلى جنوبهم) 9256 31 99 2 2203 4 179
536- فى معرفة حال قطب كان هجيره (ومن كان يريد حرث الدنيا نؤته منها وما له فى الآخرة من نصيب) 9259 31 101 1 2203 4 179
537- فى معرفة حال قطب كان هجيره (وتخشى الناس واللّه أحق أن تخشاه) وهذه آية عجيبة 9263 31 103 1 2204 4 180
538- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (فاستقم كما أمرت) 9268 31 105 2 2206 4 182
539- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (ففروا إلى اللّه) 9272 31 107 2 2207 4 183
540- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (ولو أنهم صبروا حتى تخرج إليهم لكان خيرا لهم) 9275 31 109 1 2207 4 183
541- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (ومن يظلم منكم نذقه عذابا كبيرا) 9280 31 111 2 2208 4 184
542- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (ومن كان فى هذه أعمى فهو فى الآخرة أعمى وأضل سبيلا) 9283 31 113 1 2209 4 185
543- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (وما آتاكم الرسول فخذوه) 9285 31 114 1 2210 4 186
544- فى معرفة حال قطب كان هجيره (ما يلفظ من قول إلا لديه رقيب عتيد) 9290 31 116 2 2211 4 187
545- فى معرفة حال قطب كان هجيره (واسجد واقترب) 9296 31 119 2 2212 4 188
546- فى معرفة حال قطب كان هجيره ومنزله (فأعرض عن من تولى عن ذكرنا) 9298 31 120 2 2213 4 189
547- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (فاصدع بما تؤمر) 9300 31 121 2 2213 4 189
548- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله وهجيره (فاذكرونى أذكركم) 9303 31 123 1 2214 4 190
549- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (أما من استغنى فأنت له تصدى) 9305 31 124 1 2214 4 190
550- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (فلما تجلى ربه للجبل جعله دكا) الآية 9308 31 125 2 2215 4 191
551- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (فسيرى اللّه عملكم ورسوله والمؤمنون) 9310 31 126 2 2216 4 192
552- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (ولو أنهم إذ ظلموا أنفسهم جاءوك) الآية 9312 31 127 2 2216 4 192
553- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (واللّه من ورائهم محيط) 9314 31 128 2 2217 4 193
554- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (ولا تحسبن الذين يفرحون بما أتوا ويحبون أن يحمدوا بما لم يفعلوا) 9316 31 129 2 2217 4 193
555- فى معرفة السبب الذى منعنى أن أذكر فيه بقية الأقطاب من زماننا هذا إلى يوم القيامة 9318 31 130 2 2218 4 194
556- فى معرفة حال قطب كان منزله (تبارك الذى بيده الملك) وهو من أشياخنا درج سنة تسع وثمانين وخمس مائة رحمه الله 9320 31 131 2 2219 4 195
557- فى معرفة ختم الأولياء على الإطلاق 9322 31 132 2 2219 4 195


Please note that some contents are translated from Arabic Semi-Automatically!